Ratings for new imports will be as follows:
Previously Raced Horses (PP)
Ratings will be allocated based on The Hong Kong Jockey Club Handicappers' assessment of overseas performance.
Privately Purchased Griffins (PPG) and International Sale Griffins
a. PPG and ISG which are 3 years old on 31st December will be allocated an initial rating of 52 (male) or 48 (female) on arrival.
b. PPG and ISG which are 2 years old on 31st December will be eligible to race in Griffin races.
c. From 1st January, Northern Hemisphere-bred PPG and ISG which were 2 years old on 31st December will also be eligible to be entered for standard class handicaps. A rating will be allocated to any such horse at the time of entry; unraced males will be rated 52, unraced females will be rated 48, while the rating allocated to a horse which has raced will be at the discretion of the Handicapper.
d. A trainer may request that a rating be allocated to the winner of a Griffin race.
e. A winner of two Griffin races will be allocated a rating immediately.
f. No horse allocated a rating will be eligible for Griffin races unless otherwise specified in the conditions of the Griffin race.
g. The minimum initial rating allocated to a Griffin winner will be 57.
h. The maximum initial rating for a maiden Griffin which has been placed second, third or fourth will be 57, and that for a raced but unplaced Griffin will be 52.
i. All unrated Griffins will be allocated an initial rating at the end of the season.
j. Griffins which are unraced at the end of the season will be allocated an initial rating of 52 (male) or 48 (female).