Similar to other sports, racing is governed by rules to ensure the fairness and integrity of racing, as well as to protect the wellbeing of racehorses, and the interests of owners and the public.
Racing in Hong Kong is monitored by the 7-member panel of Racing Stewards. They monitor the conduct of races by applying their skills and utilizing advanced technology. They thoroughly review each race to ensure that the rules are not breached.
In order to know more about racing control, Mr Ken Kwok, Stipendiary Steward of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, will share with us his expertise on racing rules.
The Racing Stewards Panel will consider whether the horses involved were denied a “fair start”. If yes, the horses will be deemed a non-runner.
A jockey can lodge an objection if the placing of his/her mount was materially affected due to an interference caused by another runner during a race.
A jockey fails to take reasonable steps to avoid causing interference to other horses or jockeys in a race and by putting them in a dangerous situation.
A jockey shall take all reasonable and permissible measures to ensure his horse is given full opportunity to win or to obtain the best possible placing.