Happy Valley:

Race Meeting:  18/04/2010   Happy Valley

RACE 8 (539)
Class 3 - 1200M - (80-60) Going : GOOD
HK$ 850,000 Time : (23.94) (46.78) (1:10.30)
Sectional Time : 23.94 22.84 23.52
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 11 HAPPEE GIFT (CH313) D Whyte J Moore 117 1149 3 -
1:10.30 5.4
2 4 PERFECT GEAR (CL014) D Beadman C Fownes 126 1128 12 N
1:10.36 3.3
3 7 HIGH RETURN (CK164) Y T Cheng C H Yip 120 1157 11 1-1/2
1:10.56 6.7
4 2 TRULLI (CH327) C W Wong K W Lui 128 1056 7 2-1/4
1:10.67 49
5 8 BEJEWELED (CH289) O Doleuze J Size 121 1077 8 2-3/4
1:10.72 25
6 5 WINNING EDGE (CL297) W C Marwing D E Ferraris 126 1104 2 2-3/4
1:10.73 24
7 3 CONFUCIUS CLASSIC (CJ141) M Chadwick S Woods 124 1059 1 3-1/4
1:10.80 9.6
8 10 GO FAY FAY (CK313) G Cheyne A T Millard 115 1106 9 3-3/4
1:10.89 73
9 9 CHARMGOLD (CK002) H W Lai P F Yiu 116 1105 6 3-3/4
1:10.90 7.7
10 12 WARM EMBRACES (CJ162) W M Lai T K Ng 112 987 4 4-3/4
1:11.07 75
11 1 MAELSTROM (CK370) K C Leung D J Hall 126 1178 10 6-3/4
1:11.36 10
12 6 CIRCUIT HERO (CG304) C K Tong K L Man 121 1096 5 7-1/4
1:11.47 7.7

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 11 54.00
PLACE 11 18.50
4 17.00
7 25.50
QUINELLA 4,11 101.50
7,11 58.50
4,7 43.00
TIERCE 11,4,7 682.00
TRIO 4,7,11 99.00
FIRST 4 2,4,7,11 949.00
7TH DOUBLE 3/11 231.50
3/4 23.00
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

TRULLI, CONFUCIUS CLASSIC and WINNING EDGE were slow to begin. From a wide barrier, HIGH RETURN was taken across behind runners shortly after the start. Shortly after the start, WINNING EDGE became unbalanced when brushed by WARM EMBRACES which shifted in slightly. Near the 1000 Metres, CIRCUIT HERO was momentarily crowded for room between HAPPEE GIFT and CHARMGOLD which shifted in when being steadied. Shortly after this, CHARMGOLD shifted out, resulting in both MAELSTROM and PERFECT GEAR being hampered. Passing the 1000 Metres, BEJEWELED was steadied when racing tight between WARM EMBRACES and CHARMGOLD. HIGH RETURN, which was following BEJEWELED and was commencing to prove difficult to settle, was checked away from the heels of BEJEWELED near the 950 Metres, shifted out and bumped the hindquarters of GO FAY FAY which became badly unbalanced. Near the 700 Metres, CIRCUIT HERO was crowded for room between PERFECT GEAR and HAPPEE GIFT which shifted out slightly. G Cheyne (GO FAY FAY) stated that he was instructed to ride the horse in about a midfield position but to ensure that it had cover. He further stated that it was decided to ride the horse this way as it had been disappointing when being ridden in a forward position previously. He said in the early stages he attempted to obtain a position behind BEJEWELED, however, GO FAY FAY proved difficult to settle. He said due to the manner in which GO FAY FAY was racing, he was not able to obtain the position behind BEJEWELED, however, GO FAY FAY, although wide on the track, was able to obtain cover behind MAELSTROM. He said in the Straight GO FAY FAY finished off the race quite well. Mr A T Millard, the trainer of GO FAY FAY, stated that he had been very disappointed with the manner in which GO FAY FAY had weakened in races when ridden in a forward position. He said for this reason he instructed G Cheyne to ride GO FAY FAY in about a midfield position if possible, but to ensure that it had cover. He said he was satisfied with the manner in which GO FAY FAY finished off the race today and it will be his intention to ride the horse in about a midfield position with cover in the future if circumstances permit. When questioned regarding his riding of MAELSTROM, Apprentice K C Leung stated that he had been instructed to be positive on MAELSTROM, but not to make too much use of the horse to obtain a forward position. He said it was hoped that MAELSTROM, from its wide draw, would be able to obtain a position behind the leaders in 3rd, 4th or 5th position with cover. He said MAELSTROM began well, he rode the horse along in the early stages to take up a forward position, however, near the 1100 Metres it became apparent to him that a number of horses were being ridden into forward positions to his inside, therefore he elected to steady MAELSTROM in an attempt to shift in and obtain a position behind CHARMGOLD with cover. He said when he did this, CHARMGOLD itself was steadied, shifted out and bumped MAELSTROM which became unbalanced. He said for this reason he was not able to obtain a position with cover behind that horse and was left racing wide and without cover in the early stages. He said when PERFECT GEAR, which was racing to his outside, went forward near the 900 Metres, he rode his mount along in an attempt to take up a more forward position, however, MAELSTROM was left racing wide and without cover and consequently gave ground in the Straight. Apprentice Leung advised the Stewards that in retrospect he had erred in not allowing his mount to improve its position instead of attempting to obtain a position behind CHARMGOLD with cover which, under the circumstances, was going to be difficult to achieve. Trainer D J Hall confirmed that he had instructed Apprentice Leung to be positive on MAELSTROM in the early stages and it was hoped that the horse, despite being drawn barrier 10, would be able to obtain a position with cover behind the leaders. He said after viewing the race he was disappointed with the manner in which MAELSTROM was ridden, in particular Apprentice Leung’s decision passing the 1100 Metres to steady his mount when racing to the outside of CHARMGOLD rather than improve its position around CHARMGOLD to race in a forward position and closer to the rail Apprentice Leung was advised that his riding of MAELSTROM in today’s race lacked the necessary judgement and initiative. He was told that in the circumstances he should have allowed MAELSTROM to continue forward rather than have the horse travelling wide and without cover. The Stewards will review the video of Apprentice Leung’s ride on MAELSTROM with Mr P O’Sullivan, the allocated trainer of Apprentice Leung, prior to the Happy Valley racemeeting to be conducted next Wednesday, 21 April 2010. A veterinary inspection of CIRCUIT HERO after the race revealed that the horse had bled from both nostrils. HAPPEE GIFT and PERFECT GEAR were sent for sampling.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Towkay

Dam: Make Up

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