Sha Tin:
Sunday, September 15, 2024, Sha Tin, 15:35
All Weather Track, 1200M, Good
Prize Money: $1,170,000, Rating: 60-40, Class 4
Horse No. Brand No. Horse Name Race Date Race Index Description
1 H442  AMAZING FUN  01/07/2024   782  --
2 J305  WRITTEN CASA  04/07/2024   800  WRITTEN CASA (J305) bumped at the start. Raced wide and without cover in the early stages - Race 800.
3 J093  SHANGHAI STYLE  06/07/2024   805  SHANGHAI STYLE (J093) when questioned regarding the improved performance, trainer stated that at its first race start and its most recent start, the horse had been found to be lame in the right front leg which he attributed to the horse’s disappointing performance. He said after its last start the horse was given a spell and moved to his Conghua stable where it had barrier trialed well on 27 June 2024 prior to the event. He added the horse was benefited by being able to dictate the race in front and also had derived benefit from its previous race day experiences - Race 805.
4 E323  REGENT GLORY  29/05/2024   706  --
5 J153  FORTUNE WHISKEY  14/07/2024   826  FORTUNE WHISKEY (J153) shortly after the start was crowded and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings - Race 826.
6 H464  ROBOT KNIGHT  06/07/2024   805  --
7 J239  MR ENERGIA  08/06/2024   735  MR ENERGIA (J239) jumped only fairly. Near the 850M was steadied when crowded -Race 735.
8 D186  STRIVE FOR GLORY  10/07/2024   818  --
9 D033  HERO STAR  04/07/2024   799  HERO STAR (D033) bumped at the start - Race 799.
10 J159  SKY SONG  06/07/2024   805  SKY SONG (J159) from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages - Race 805.
11 J063  CRAZY TREASURE  06/07/2024   805  CRAZY TREASURE (J063) raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event - Race 805.
12 H144  SONIC BOOM  06/07/2024   803  SONIC BOOM (H144) shortly after the start was bumped. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event and near the 600M was taken wider - Race 803.
Standby Horse
1 J016  JUDY'S GREAT  23/06/2024   762  JUDY'S GREAT (J016) leaving the 700M got its head up when being steadied to avoid a runner and as a result shifted out and made contact with the hindquarter of another runner - Race 762.