Happy Valley:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, Happy Valley, 21:10
Turf, "B" Course, 1650M, Good
Prize Money: $2,050,000, Rating: 80-60, Class 3
Horse No. Brand No. Horse Name Race Date Race Index Description
1 J267  SUPREME AGILITY  10/07/2024   820  SUPREME AGILITY (J267) shortly after the start was checked and losing its running - Race 820.
2 H346  SIMPLY MAVERICK  01/05/2024   634  SIMPLY MAVERICK (H346) when questioned regarding the disappointing performance, rider stated that his mount obtained a favourable on-pace position, but when placed under pressure did not handle the "Good to Yielding” track conditions. He added that in the Home Straight when he was concerned there may have been something amiss with his mount, he eased it down from the event over the final 200M when not in a competitive position. Trainer advised that the horse had pleased the stable leading into the event and had raced consistently in that grade. He added he could offer no explanation for the performance. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings. Performance compared to its previous starts was considered to be disappointing. Has since performed to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and passed an official vet exam - Race 634.
3 G165  GALLANT WAKING  26/06/2024   780  GALLANT WAKING (G165) crowded on jumping. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings - Race 780.
4 H120  PERFECT TEAM  10/07/2024   820  PERFECT TEAM (H120) jumped only fairly - Race 820.
5 E472  STAR CONTACT  04/07/2024   800  --
6 H420  SILVER KING  06/07/2024   810  SILVER KING (H420) leaving the 450M was steadied. After the race was found to be a “roarer” which had previously been reported - Race 810.
7 H090  BEATO  01/07/2024   792  BEATO (H090) was withdrawn four days before raceday by order of the Stewards on vet advice (lame right fore). Has since passed an official vet exam - Race 792.
8 J214  SATIRICAL FAN  14/07/2024   830  SATIRICAL FAN (J214) on jumping was bumped. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings - Race 830.
9 G095  SETANTA  11/09/2024   17  SETANTA (G095) shortly after the start was crowded - Race 017.
10 J328  ACROSS DA UNIVERSE  15/06/2024   759  ACROSS DA UNIVERSE (J328) from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages - Race 759.