Happy Valley:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, Happy Valley, 19:10
Turf, "B" Course, 1200M, Good
Prize Money: $1,170,000, Rating: 60-40, Class 4
Horse No. Horse Name Date Details Passed On
1 HAPPY DAY 04/06/2023 Unacceptable performance and substantial blood in trachea noted on post-race scoping. 16/09/2023
28/12/2023 Bled from right nostril after barrier trial. 18/03/2024
2 CHATEAUNEUF 16/03/2024 Disappointing performance. Also substantial mucus in trachea noted on post-race scoping. Lame right front leg on the day after racing. 09/04/2024
26/05/2024 After being loaded reared, got its front legs over the gates which resulted in them opening and then completed the course riderless. Subsequently found to be lame in its right front leg with wounds to the right front cannon. Withdrawn from racing. 25/06/2024
4 JUDY'S GREAT 24/01/2024 Lame left front leg after racing. 18/03/2024
06/04/2024 Lame left fore. Withdrawn from racing. 24/05/2024
8 SHINKANSEN 09/11/2023 Lame right front leg on the day after racing. 17/11/2023
10/03/2024 Became fractious after being loaded, reared and struck its head against the barrier. Withdrawn from racing. 23/04/2024
Remark : Veterinary Records after the horses' last ran are in bold format.