Race Meeting:  20/02/2011   Sha Tin

RACE 7 (411)
Class 3 - 1200M - (80-60) Going : GOOD
HK$ 850,000 Time : (24.44) (47.41) (1:10.71)
Sectional Time : 24.44 22.97 23.30
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 6 SUNNY FAY (M119) D Beadman J Moore 124 1083 2 -
1:10.71 2
2 4 VIVA FIGHTER (CG307) M W Leung K W Lui 126 1146 5 N
1:10.77 86
3 12 PERFECT JOY (M182) Z Purton A Lee 120 1113 4 1/2
1:10.80 84
4 1 KING OF REASON (M154) B Prebble P F Yiu 133 1108 7 3/4
1:10.84 5.3
5 8 COMMON GOAL (M167) G Cheyne T W Leung 123 1148 1 1
1:10.88 99
6 3 ROCKET PROUD (CL392) M Chadwick A S Cruz 128 1067 3 2
1:11.02 8.2
7 5 ROYAL DOCTOR (CL051) O Doleuze S Woods 128 1031 8 3-1/4
1:11.23 11
8 2 TAKE THE RAP (CL369) W C Marwing D E Ferraris 133 1076 9 3-3/4
1:11.30 13
9 11 BET ON ME (CK376) C K Tong P F Yiu 118 1150 6 4
1:11.34 11
10 9 VIVA DOLPHIN (M071) W M Lai T K Ng 121 1147 10 4-1/2
1:11.42 99
11 7 SUPREME TAIJI (CL065) M Guyon A T Millard 124 1119 11 5-3/4
1:11.64 8.4
WV 10 LUCKY MAGIC (CJ302) D Whyte J Size 122 --- --- --- --- --- ---

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 6 20.00
PLACE 6 11.50
4 118.00
12 110.00
QUINELLA 4,6 866.00
6,12 199.50
4,12 1,889.00
TIERCE 6,4,12 16,719.00
TRIO 4,6,12 5,425.00
FIRST 4 1,4,6,12 4,404.00
6TH DOUBLE 13/6 452.00
13/4 1,948.50
2ND DOUBLE TRIO 9,10,13/4,6,12 618,138.00
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

LUCKY MAGIC was withdrawn on 18.2.11 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame left fore). Before being allowed to race again, LUCKY MAGIC will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. COMMON GOAL began awkwardly. Shortly after the start, KING OF REASON was crowded for room between BET ON ME and ROYAL DOCTOR which shifted in. Making the first turn, COMMON GOAL got its head on the side and shifted out across the heels of ROYAL DOCTOR. KING OF REASON, which was racing to the outside of COMMON GOAL, was bumped by that horse and shifted out across the heels of TAKE THE RAP, resulting in SUPREME TAIJI racing tight inside VIVA DOLPHIN. After this, KING OF REASON continued to be awkwardly placed close to the heels of TAKE THE RAP. For some distance approaching the 700 Metres, ROCKET PROUD was awkwardly placed close to the heels of BET ON ME and then near the 700 Metres struck the heels of BET ON ME and blundered. Throughout the race, VIVA FIGHTER travelled wide and without cover. When questioned, Trainer A T Millard stated that he instructed M Guyon to ride SUPREME TAIJI quietly from the rear. He said this was done principally due to the fact that SUPREME TAIJI does not run out a strong 1200 Metres as he is of the opinion that SUPREME TAIJI races best over 1000 Metres. He also added that due to having drawn the widest barrier and the fact that SUPREME TAIJI had been slow to begin in a number of its races this season, he felt that it was best for the horse to be ridden quietly and obtain cover so that it would be able to close off the race. He said he felt that if SUPREME TAIJI were to be slow to begin again today and if the horse were to be ridden into a forward position, it would not be able to obtain cover and as such would not be able to perform to its best. He said today SUPREME TAIJI began well and in the early stages proved quite difficult to settle for a short distance as M Guyon took the horse across behind runners. He said he had hoped that SUPREME TAIJI would be able to obtain a position closer to the rail as despite being taken back in the field the horse was still obliged to race three wide and at times without cover. He added the principal reason for SUPREME TAIJI being ridden quietly was in order for the horse to see out the 1200 Metres of today’s race. Mr Millard said that after consulting the owners regarding this matter, they were satisfied for the horse to be ridden quietly today as they shared his views that it had difficulty in seeing out the distance. He said irrespective of this, he advised the owners that SUPREME TAIJI would be a strong chance in today’s race as he felt that it would be able to close off the race if ridden quietly with cover. He stated however that it is his preference wherever possible to restrict SUPREME TAIJI to races over 1000 Metres as, in his opinion, the horse has a proven record at that distance. The Stewards advised Mr Millard that they will review SUPREME TAIJI’s performances over 1200 Metres before deciding whether it would be necessary to speak with him further regarding this matter. A veterinary inspection of SUPREME TAIJI after the race did not show any significant findings. SUNNY FAY and VIVA FIGHTER were sent for sampling.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Diamond Green

Dam: Corps de Ballet

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