Happy Valley:

Race Meeting:  01/06/2011   Happy Valley

RACE 3 (667)
Class 4 - 1000M - (60-40) Going : GOOD
HK$ 640,000 Time : (13.00) (34.61) (57.75)
Sectional Time : 13.00 21.61 23.14
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 11 CHINA GOOD (CL258) B Doyle T W Leung 118 1023 12 -
0:57.75 17
2 2 SECRET OF WINNING (CK205) D Whyte C H Yip 131 1064 4 1-1/2
0:57.98 9
3 1 NOBLE DE BEST (CJ160) O Doleuze T K Ng 133 1051 7 1-1/2
0:57.99 14
4 5 NEW KING PRAWN (CK316) K C Leung A T Millard 121 1089 2 2
0:58.08 10
5 10 TOUT VA BIEN (CJ020) T Angland C Fownes 120 1030 5 2-3/4
0:58.21 11
6 8 NICHOLSON (M173) M W Leung D J Hall 120 1108 9 4-1/4
0:58.43 99
7 9 SPICY SHRIMP (CL067) C Y Ho B K Ng 116 1094 11 4-1/2
0:58.46 10
8 7 TENDER MELODY (M136) B Prebble A Lee 125 1046 3 5
0:58.54 1.7
9 4 TURIN CHAMPION (M060) H W Lai L Ho 124 1058 8 5-1/2
0:58.63 11
10 3 COSMO SUCCESSOR (CH118) M L Yeung Y S Tsui 122 1091 10 6-3/4
0:58.84 84
11 12 MR SPEEDY (M183) C W Wong Y O Wong 111 1024 1 7-3/4
0:58.99 99
12 6 DARING SPIKIE (M046) C K Tong C W Chang 122 1059 6 12
0:59.66 99

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 11 174.00
PLACE 11 41.50
2 21.50
1 34.50
QUINELLA 2,11 725.50
QUINELLA PLACE 2,11 188.00
1,11 267.50
1,2 122.50
TIERCE 11,2,1 15,451.00
TRIO 1,2,11 2,224.00
FIRST 4 1,2,5,11 3,312.00
2ND DOUBLE 9/11 973.50
9/2 125.50
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

On arrival at the Start, it was noted that both SPICY SHRIMP and TOUT VA BIEN had lost their left front plates. These plates were reset and both horses were examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion they were suitable to race. NICHOLSON was crowded for room at the start between TURIN CHAMPION and COSMO SUCCESSOR which got its head on the side and shifted in. TENDER MELODY began very awkwardly, shifted out and made heavy contact with SECRET OF WINNING which was crowded for room inside TOUT VA BIEN which got its head on the side and shifted in. After this, TOUT VA BIEN was corrected by its rider and shifted out, resulting in DARING SPIKE being checked when crowded for room between that horse and NOBLE DE BEST which shifted in after O Doleuze, its rider, momentarily lost the use of his right stirrup iron on jumping. In this incident, TOUT VA BIEN became badly unbalanced when bumped on the hindquarters by SECRET OF WINNING which itself was racing tight outside TENDER MELODY. Near the 900 Metres, TOUT VA BIEN was steadied after racing in restricted room between SECRET OF WINNING and NOBLE DE BEST. Approaching the 800 Metres, NOBLE DE BEST was bumped by SECRET OF WINNING which was taken out slightly by TENDER MELODY. TOUT VA BIEN had difficulty obtaining clear running from near the 250 Metres until approaching the 100 Metres. Near the 200 Metres, COSMO SUCCESSOR was severely checked when crowded for room between SPICY SHRIMP (Apprentice C Y Ho) which shifted in and TENDER MELODY which, after shifting out and away from NEW KING PRAWN of its own accord, then shifted out further when bumped on the hindquarters by COSMO SUCCESSOR. After this, TENDER MELODY was taken out further by NEW KING PRAWN which shifted ground. Apprentice Ho was advised that whilst there were some contributing factors to this incident, including the fact that his horse, after making contact with COSMO SUCCESSOR, was inclined to shift in further, exacerbating the tightening to COSMO SUCCESSOR, nonetheless he was reprimanded for permitting his mount to shift in in the initial stages of the incident. He was further advised that he must make every effort to prevent his mounts from shifting ground in future. Approaching the 100 Metres, TURIN CHAMPION was hampered when crowded for room between NOBLE DE BEST and SPICY SHRIMP which shifted out. Throughout the race, COSMO SUCCESSOR and SPICY SHRIMP travelled wide and without cover. After the race, the Veterinary Officer reported that NEW KING PRAWN was lame in its left front leg. Before being allowed to race again, NEW KING PRAWN will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of TENDER MELODY after the race did not show any significant findings. TENDER MELODY, CHINA GOOD and SECRET OF WINNING were sent for sampling.
< 2/6/2011 Additional Veterinary Report> TENDER MELODY, which performed poorly, was examined by the Veterinary Officer. He said at that time there were no significant findings. The Veterinary Officer said that an inspection of TENDER MELODY this morning revealed that the horse to be mildly lame in the right front leg and that due to the marginal nature of this lameness, an official veterinary examination was not required. However, the Clinical Veterinary Surgeon allocated to Mr A Lee’s stable has advised that a further diagnostic examination of TENDER MELODY at Mr Lee’s stable this afternoon found that horse to have a chip bone fragment off its right front knee. Having in mind this further veterinary report, TENDER MELODY will be subjected to an official veterinary examination before being allowed to race again.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Danehill Dancer

Dam: Coralita

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