Happy Valley:

Race Meeting:  25/09/2024   Happy Valley

RACE 3 (49)
Class 4 - 1200M - (60-40) Going : GOOD
HK$ 1,170,000 Time : (23.86) (46.65) (1:10.17)
Sectional Time : 23.86 22.79
11.36  11.43
11.44  12.08
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 12 COLONEL (D090) M Chadwick M Newnham 115 1183 5 -
1:10.17 12
 2 DH 3 DENFIELD (G471) H Bowman C S Shum 133 1153 10 1-1/2
1:10.41 16
2 DH 10 TALENTS SUPREMO (H133) K Teetan W K Mo 119 1120 3 1-1/2
1:10.41 6
 4 9 EVER SMART (J179) H Bentley F C Lor 119 1134 7 1-3/4
1:10.44 83
5 5 NEBRASKAN (J304) A Atzeni J Size 133 1034 6 1-3/4
1:10.44 9.4
6 11 FAIRY HORSE (J144) M L Yeung C Fownes 116 1114 11 2-1/2
1:10.58 19
7 6 EMBRACES (J276) C L Chau J Richards 126 1070 2 2-3/4
1:10.61 4
8 7 SIGHT HAPPY (J261) A Badel D A Hayes 126 1108 1 3-1/4
1:10.70 10
9 2 AEROINVINCIBLE (J180) Z Purton P C Ng 134 1084 12 3-3/4
1:10.78 5.1
10 4 JOY COMING (H149) C Y Ho K W Lui 133 1148 9 4
1:10.81 22
11 1 MULTISUPER (G416) L Hewitson P F Yiu 135 1156 4 6-1/4
1:11.16 8.6
12 8 DOUBLE BINGO (J309) B Avdulla Y S Tsui 121 1096 8 7-1/4
1:11.35 25

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 12 123.00
PLACE 12 45.50
3 44.00
10 19.00
QUINELLA 3,12 662.00
10,12 224.00
QUINELLA PLACE 3,12 343.00
10,12 129.50
3,10 148.50
FORECAST 12,3 1,316.00
12,10 530.00
TIERCE 12,3,10 4,925.00
12,10,3 4,659.00
TRIO 3,10,12 2,299.00
FIRST 4 3,9,10,12 31,371.00
QUARTET 12,3,10,9 364,693.00
12,10,3,9 364,693.00
2ND DOUBLE 1/12 1,439.00
1/3 79.50
1/10 33.00
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Finish Photo

Racing Incident Report

Pla. Horse No. Horse Incident
1 12 COLONEL (D090) When questioned regarding the improved performance, Trainer M Newnham stated that at its first up run at Happy Valley on 11 September 2024, COLONEL was disadvantaged by having to be ridden along in the early stages to obtain the lead. He said tonight from a more favourable barrier COLONEL was able to find the front without having to be ridden along in the early stages to do so and as a result finished the race off much stronger. Sent for sampling post-race.
2 DH 3 DENFIELD (G471) Shortly after the start was steadied away from JOY COMING. DENFIELD was then shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race.
2 DH 10 TALENTS SUPREMO (H133) Sent for sampling post-race.
4 9 EVER SMART (J179) Shortly after the start was steadied when crowded between DOUBLE BINGO and NEBRASKAN which shifted out slightly before being corrected by its rider.
5 5 NEBRASKAN (J304) No report.
6 11 FAIRY HORSE (J144) Jumped only fairly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Held up for clear running making the Home Turn.
7 6 EMBRACES (J276) After the 700 Metres was steadied when crowded between SIGHT HAPPY which shifted out slightly and JOY COMING (C Y Ho) which shifted in slightly. C Y Ho was advised to exercise more care. When questioned, C L Chau stated that from an inside barrier his instructions were to endeavour to hold a more forward position. He said after riding his mount along to comply with his instructions, EMBRACES did not appreciate racing amongst horses. He added in the Home Straight his mount lay in and for some distance after the 250 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running when positioned behind AEROINVINCIBLE. He said after shifting to the outside of AEROINVINCIBLE passing the 200 Metres his mount raced in restricted room to the inside of DENFIELD for some distance thereafter. Sent for sampling post-race.
8 7 SIGHT HAPPY (J261) A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
9 2 AEROINVINCIBLE (J180) On straightening near the 300 Metres was bumped by JOY COMING which shifted out. After the 150 Metres raced tight between JOY COMING and TALENTS SUPREMO which shifted in slightly. After the 100 Metres, AEROINVINCIBLE again raced in restricted room between JOY COMING and EMBRACES which shifted in and away from DENFIELD. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event and raced keenly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 4 JOY COMING (H149) Over the concluding stages could not be ridden out when racing in restricted room between AEROINVINCIBLE which was taken in by EMBRACES and SIGHT HAPPY which shifted out slightly.
11 1 MULTISUPER (G416) Sustained an abrasion to the right hock whilst being transported to the course, was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. As the start was effected lowered its head and lost ground. Before being allowed to race again, MULTISUPER will be required to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. A warning was also placed on the barrier manners of the horse. After the event, L Hewitson reported that his mount was disadvantaged by being slow to begin and, in his opinion, is better suited around the Sha Tin circuit. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
12 8 DOUBLE BINGO (J309) Crowded on jumping. When questioned, B Avdulla stated that his mount raced ungenerously throughout the event. He said making the Home Turn DOUBLE BINGO hung out and became awkwardly placed close to the heels of EVER SMART when DENFIELD shifted to the outside of FAIRY HORSE to improve.
Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Ferlax

Dam: Outrageous Fortune

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