11/04/2021 - Sha Tin


Races 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11:

Turf - Good

Penetrometer Reading: 2.71

Racing Stewards:

Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung GBS OBE JP Chairman

Mr Jackson Woo Ka Biu

Mr K Kelly Chief Stipendiary Steward

Mr T Bailey Stipendiary Steward

Mr G Bush Stipendiary Steward

Mr K C Y Kwok Stipendiary Steward

Mr H L Liu Stipendiary Steward

Dr Henry H L Chan acted for Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung GBS OBE JP as Chairman for Race 6.

Race:1 (574) WINDY GAP PLATE (Sec1) Griffin Race 1000 m

SMART IDEA and CORDYCEPS SIX bumped at the start. SMART IDEA then shifted in and bumped CHIU CHOW WARRIOR which itself shifted out, causing both horses to become unbalanced.
HK DRAGON shifted in at the start and bumped COMPULSORY.
HANG’S CHOICE shifted out on jumping and bumped the hindquarters of CHEVAL VALIANT.
A short distance after the start, HANG’S CHOICE was momentarily eased away from the heels of CHEVAL VALIANT.
Passing the 700 Metres, HK DRAGON raced tight outside the heels of TURBO POWER which itself was awkwardly placed outside CORDYCEPS SIX.
Passing the 600 Metres, GREAT KING was awkwardly placed behind COMPULSORY.
After the 600 Metres, HK DRAGON raced in restricted room between GREAT KING and TURBO POWER.
Near the 450 Metres, GREAT KING got its head on the side and lay in. A veterinary inspection of GREAT KING immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea. Before being allowed to race again, GREAT KING will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
Passing the 300 Metres, HK DRAGON shifted out under pressure, requiring its rider to correct his mount.
Approaching the 50 Metres, TURBO POWER and SMART IDEA raced tight.
TURBO POWER and SMART IDEA were sent for sampling.

Race:2 (575) TAI TAM GAP HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 5 1000 m

Just prior to the start being effected, VIVA MAMA (J Moreira) became fractious and bumped the front of its gate, resulting in the gates opening marginally in advance of the remainder of the gates. This resulted in VIVA MAMA beginning very awkwardly. As the Stewards were of the opinion that VIVA MAMA had not gained an advantage as a result of the stalls opening marginally earlier than the remaining gates, no further action was necessary. After the race, J Moreira reported that after beginning very awkwardly, VIVA MAMA did not travel strongly at any stage of the race and after coming under pressure passing the 500 Metres finished off the race only fairly. A veterinary inspection of VIVA MAMA immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
FOR FUN’S SAKE began awkwardly and then bumped with EASY DAZZLING shortly after the start.
CARRY THE DIAMOND was slow to begin.
LUCKY VICTOR shifted out at the start and bumped XIANG LAN QI.
ONE STEP AHEAD was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
Passing the 500 Metres, CARRY THE DIAMOND was awkwardly placed close to the heels of MAJESTIC CONQUEROR when racing tight outside XIANG LAN QI which itself was awkwardly placed inside the heels of MAJESTIC CONQUEROR as a result of both horses shifting ground.
ONE STEP AHEAD raced with its head on the side and lay out over the final 200 Metres, requiring its rider to stop riding and correct his mount on a number of occasions.
Passing the 50 Metres, MAJESTIC CONQUEROR and CARRY THE DIAMOND raced tight.
A veterinary inspection of EASY DAZZLING and FOR FUN’S SAKE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
CARRY THE DIAMOND and MAJESTIC CONQUEROR were sent for sampling.

Race:3 (576) VIOLET HILL HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 5 1400 m

DESTIN began only fairly.
JOYFUL MOMENTS began very awkwardly, shifted out and bumped the hindquarters of LAOS ENLIGHTENMENT, causing LAOS ENLIGHTENMENT to become unbalanced and JOYFUL MOMENTS to lose ground.
SURE WIN WIN shifted in abruptly at the start, resulting in APOLAR WARRIOR being crowded for room outside M M JOHNNY.
GALAXY EMPEROR lost its left hind plate shortly after the start.
From the outside barrier, SPICY GRILL was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners to obtain cover.
From a wide barrier, MONEYMORE was also steadied in the early stages to obtain cover.
Near the 1200 Metres, APOLAR WARRIOR commenced to travel keenly and was awkwardly placed close to the heels of VICTORIOUS LEADER.
DESTIN lost its right front plate passing the 1100 Metres.
For some distance after the 1100 Metres, SPICY GRILL raced tight inside M M JOHNNY. M M JOHNNY was then shifted out to relieve the pressure on SPICY GRILL and after the 1000 Metres again shifted out and bumped VICTORIOUS LEADER which was awkwardly placed inside the heels of KUNG FU TEA. This resulted in VICTORIOUS LEADER shifting out and being awkwardly placed close to the heels of KUNG FU TEA approaching the 900 Metres.
Passing the 400 Metres, DESTIN was directed to the inside of ALLOY KING to obtain clear running.
Also passing the 400 Metres, M M JOHNNY shifted out and bumped SURE WIN WIN which resulted in both horses becoming unbalanced and as a result of being unbalanced again bumped a short distance later.
Apprentice C L Chau (GALAXY EMPEROR) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that approaching the 300 Metres he failed to make sufficient endeavours to prevent his mount from shifting in which resulted in it shifting in across the rightful running of HAPPY RUBY which was checked and in turn taken in onto ALLOY KING which was inconvenienced. After considering all the circumstances of this case and Apprentice Chau’s race riding record this season, the Stewards were of the opinion that the appropriate penalty was for Apprentice Chau’s licence to ride in races to be suspended for a period to commence on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 and to expire on Thursday, 27 May 2021 on which day he may resume race riding (3 Hong Kong racedays). In addition, Apprentice Chau was fined $35,000. In this incident, DESTIN, which was racing to the inside of ALLOY KING, was inconvenienced.
Approaching the 200 Metres, HAPPY RUBY, which was continuing to give ground, was checked when momentarily racing in restricted room between SPICY GRILL and ALLOY KING which, after laying in, then shifted out marginally.
Approaching the 100 Metres, DESTIN shifted out and brushed the hindquarters of ALLOY KING.
Throughout the race, GALAXY EMPEROR travelled wide and without cover.
A veterinary inspection of DESTIN and ALLOY KING immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
DESTIN, GALAXY EMPEROR and KUNG FU TEA were sent for sampling.
<12/4/2021 Additional Veterinary Reports>The Veterinary Surgeon reported that JOYFUL MOMENTS was lame in its right front leg on the morning after racing. Before being allowed to race again, JOYFUL MOMENTS will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

Race:4 (577) POTTINGER PEAK HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1000 m

Whilst in the saddling stalls, SUGAMO had its right front plate refitted. On arrival at the Start, SUGAMO was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion it was suitable to race.
CORDYCEPS FIVE shifted in at the start and bumped ISLAND SUNSHINE.
HAPPY GOOD GUYS began only fairly and then was crowded for room between TAKE WHAT YOU NEED which shifted out and DRAGON BABY which became unbalanced and shifted in after being bumped on the hindquarters by CHIU CHOW BROTHER which began awkwardly and shifted in.
GOKO shifted out abruptly at the start, resulting in SUGAMO being taken out onto HUGE TIGER.
Near the 250 Metres, TAKE WHAT YOU NEED, which was commencing to close off the race, improved quickly into very tight running between DRAGON BABY and FARIBAULT which had come under pressure. TAKE WHAT YOU NEED was then checked approaching the 200 Metres when unable to continue to improve between DRAGON BABY and FARIBAULT which shifted out marginally. When TAKE WHAT YOU NEED was checked, it bumped the hindquarters of FARIBAULT and DRAGON BABY, causing both horses to become unbalanced and shift further ground. As the Stewards were of the opinion that TAKE WHAT YOU NEED had not been able to properly establish running between FARIBAULT and DRAGON BABY and that there was no rider error associated with this incident, no further action was taken.
Near the 50 Metres, CHIU CHOW BROTHER was awkwardly placed close to the heels of SUGAMO when being shifted to the outside of that horse as a result of being disappointed for running between SUGAMO and POISED TO STRIKE. After this, CHIU CHOW BROTHER was unable to obtain clear running behind SUGAMO and consequently was not able to be ridden out over the concluding stages.
When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of HUGE TIGER, which was having its first race start today, Z Purton stated that when racing amongst runners in the early and middle stages, HUGE TIGER would not relax and travelled too keenly. He said HUGE TIGER came under pressure at the 600 Metres and then gave ground and failed to finish off the race which he attributed to the horse not relaxing in the early part of the race. A veterinary inspection of HUGE TIGER immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of HUGE TIGER, which finished at the rear of the field as favourite for today’s race, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, HUGE TIGER will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
A veterinary inspection of GOKO immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported.
A veterinary inspection of CORDYCEPS FIVE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
HUGE TIGER, DRAGON BABY and HAPPY GOOD GUYS were sent for sampling.

Race:5 (578) SIU MA SHAN HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1200 m

DIVINE ERA began awkwardly and lost ground at the start.
ALMIGHTY PEGASUS and GLUCK RACER bumped at the start.
LOVE ME MORE began very awkwardly and then was bumped by SMART HUNTER which shifted out. When beginning awkwardly, LOVE ME MORE got its head up on a number of occasions. From wide barriers, LOVE ME MORE and SMART HUNTER were then shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
From a wide barrier, VICTORY SCHOLARS was also steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners.
Approaching the 800 Metres, ALMIGHTY PEGASUS, which was having its first race start, lost ground despite being ridden along when reluctant to maintain its position inside GLUCK RACER. When ALMIGHTY PEGASUS lost ground, SMART HUNTER, which was following, was awkwardly placed close to the heels of that horse. LOVE ME MORE, which was following SMART HUNTER, got its head up when also being steadied away from the heels of that horse.
Approaching the 500 Metres, DIVINE ERA was awkwardly placed behind GALLANT CAVALIER when being shifted to the outside of that horse to obtain clear running.
Approaching the 300 Metres, ALMIGHTY PEGASUS lay in away from LOVE ME MORE which itself shifted in under pressure, resulting in ALMIGHTY PEGASUS being steadied and shifted to the outside of LOVE ME MORE passing the 300 Metres.
Near the 250 Metres, GALLANT CAVALIER was directed to the outside of SHADOW RUNNER to obtain clear running.
GALLANT CAVALIER and DIVINE ERA raced tight passing the 200 Metres.
Throughout the race, TOWARDS SUCCESS travelled wide and without cover.
When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of BRANDING POWER, Z Purton stated that he had to ride his mount along for some distance in the early stages to obtain a forward position from the outside barrier. He said he had hoped to be able to cross RHAPSODY making the first turn near the 900 Metres, however, RHAPSODY continued to maintain its position inside BRANDING POWER and he was not able to properly clear that horse until near the 600 Metres. He said whilst he had to make more use of BRANDING POWER in the early and middle stages to cross RHAPSODY, this did not explain the horse coming under heavy pressure after the 400 Metres and then failing to respond to his riding. He added BRANDING POWER did not quicken and then gave ground over the concluding stages. He said after the race he recommended to connections that they consider riding the horse more conservatively in its future starts in the hope that it may be able to finish off its races better than it did today. A veterinary inspection of BRANDING POWER immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
RHAPSODY, GLUCK RACER and VICTORY SCHOLARS were sent for sampling.

Race:6 (579) STANLEY GAP HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1400 m

GREEN REIGN began only fairly.
BREEZE OF SPRING shifted out at the start and brushed MY ECSTATIC. BREEZE OF SPRING was then crowded for room between MY ECSTATIC and SOLAR POWER which shifted out. After this, BREEZE OF SPRING was steadied to obtain cover.
OFF THE REEL stumbled on jumping and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
From a wide barrier, RED BRICK FIGHTER was also steadied shortly after the start to obtain cover.
Near the 1250 Metres, BREEZE OF SPRING, which was improving its position, was shifted in away from the heels of RED BRICK FIGHTER which was being shifted across to obtain a position closer to the rail. RED BRICK FIGHTER was then shifted out passing the 1200 Metres to relieve the crowding to BREEZE OF SPRING. After this, BREEZE OF SPRING commenced to travel keenly.
Near the 1000 Metres, ZELUS became unbalanced, shifted in and bumped IRON KING. ZELUS then shifted out and bumped MY ECSTATIC which became unbalanced. LIGHT OF WANSHI, which was following ZELUS, was awkwardly placed behind that horse. RED IMPACT, which was following LIGHT OF WANSHI, commenced to travel very keenly and was checked away from the heels of that horse for some distance. ZELUS then made the turn near the 900 Metres awkwardly when racing tight between MY ECSTATIC and IRON KING which also made the turn awkwardly, got its head on the side and lay out towards the heels of NOBLE MAN. After this, despite being ridden along, ZELUS was not able to maintain its position between IRON KING and MY ECSTATIC.
Passing the 900 Metres, RED BRICK FIGHTER was left racing wide and without cover.
Also passing the 900 Metres, BREEZE OF SPRING was bumped and taken wider by RED IMPACT which, when continuing to travel awkwardly, shifted out away from the heels of LIGHT OF WANSHI which remained awkwardly placed behind ZELUS as that horse was having difficulty maintaining its position. As a result of being taken out by RED IMPACT, BREEZE OF SPRING was left racing wide and without cover.
Passing the 600 Metres, LIGHT OF WANSHI was eased away from the heels of ZELUS.
Near the 500 Metres, UNIVERSAL HERO became unbalanced when crowded for room inside LIGHT OF WANSHI (A Badel) which attempted to improve into tight running inside ZELUS which at this stage commenced to shift out. When ZELUS was straightened by its rider, LIGHT OF WANSHI had to be steadied when unable to continue improving inside ZELUS which resulted in both LIGHT OF WANSHI and UNIVERSAL HERO being badly crowded for room. The Stewards advised A Badel that they accepted that ZELUS commencing to shift out had provided grounds for him to commence to improve his position inside that horse, however, he was told to exercise due care when attempting to improve into runs which are not fully available.
Approaching the 400 Metres, WINWIN THIRTYTHREE was steadied and shifted to the outside of GREEN REIGN to obtain clear running.
GREEN REIGN was held up for clear running in the early part of the Straight.
IRON KING was held up for clear running from on straightening until passing the 200 Metres.
Near the 350 Metres, NOBLE MAN momentarily raced in restricted room between MY ECSTATIC and LITTLE BIRD which shifted out marginally.
When questioned, V Borges (NOBLE MAN) stated that after the 400 Metres he attempted to improve into tight running between LITTLE BIRD and MY ECSTATIC. He said as he was commencing to improve into this run, he had to steady NOBLE MAN as a result of the gap starting to close between MY ECSTATIC and LITTLE BIRD which shifted out marginally. He said this resulted in NOBLE MAN being awkwardly placed inside the heels of MY ECSTATIC approaching the 300 Metres. He said as he intended to continue to pursue the run inside MY ECSTATIC, given that tight running was still available between that horse and LITTLE BIRD, he looked to his inside to establish whether he was able to direct NOBLE MAN in so as to continue to pursue the run inside MY ECSTATIC. He said when he established that GREEN REIGN was commencing to shift to the outside of LITTLE BIRD as a result of IRON KING racing tight to that horse’s inside, he then directed NOBLE MAN to the outside of MY ECSTATIC. He said as he was doing this he had a look to his outside to ensure that he was able to improve outside MY ECSTATIC without placing pressure on WINWIN THIRTYTHREE. V Borges was advised that the Stewards would report his explanation, however, he was told that they had recently had cause to speak to him regarding looking around in races and he was again warned against this practice. He was further told that whilst there is a necessity for riders to ride safely, excessive looking around in races is something which should not occur in races in Hong Kong.
A veterinary inspection of UNIVERSAL HERO immediately following the race found that horse to have bled from both nostrils.
A veterinary inspection ZELUS and LIGHT OF WANSHI immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
GREEN REIGN, MY ECSTATIC and SOLAR POWER were sent for sampling.

Race:7 (580) STANLEY GAP HANDICAP (Sec2) Class 4 1400 m

At the time of declaration, Apprentice C L Chau notified a probable overweight of 2 lbs in respect of VOYAGE STAR’s weight of 113 lbs having regard to Apprentice Chau’s 7 lb allowance. Apprentice Chau then weighed out 2 lbs overweight and on return to scale weighed in at 116 lbs. As Apprentice Chau weighed in 3 lbs over the weight notified at the time of declaration having regard to his allowance, he was fined the sum of $6,000.
GRAND POWER began only fairly and then was crowded for room between SPLIT OF A SECOND and DANDY YEARS, both of which shifted ground.
PLIKCLONE began awkwardly and then was hampered when racing tight inside ULTIMATE GLORY which shifted in. PLIKCLONE was then ridden along to obtain a forward position and for the majority of the race travelled wide and without cover.
SAM’S LOVE began only fairly and shifted out towards the heels of BOND A STAR.
From the outside barrier, APEX TOP was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners.
In the early stages, SPLIT OF A SECOND travelled keenly when being steadied to obtain cover behind DANDY YEARS and near the 1250 Metres became unbalanced when bumped by DANDY YEARS. After this, SPLIT OF A SECOND travelled keenly.
EVERYONE’S DELIGHT lost its right hind plate in the middle stages.
Rounding the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight, EVERYONE’S DELIGHT and DANDY YEARS raced tight as DANDY YEARS attempted to shift out to obtain clear running. DANDY YEARS then also had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early part of the Straight.
Approaching the 200 Metres, MASTER HERO raced tight outside GREEN ENVY which shifted out under pressure.
Near the 150 Metres, APEX TOP was awkwardly placed behind SPLIT OF A SECOND when racing tight inside DIAMOND PIXIU.
When questioned, H N Wong stated that racing over 1400 Metres today, SPLIT OF A SECOND travelled keenly in the early stages. He said making the turn near the 900 Metres SPLIT OF A SECOND was racing tight between DANDY YEARS and EVERYONE’S DELIGHT and he was reluctant to ride his mount along at this stage as he attempted to get SPLIT OF A SECOND to relax better. He said for this reason he elected not to continue to pursue the position between EVERYONE’S DELIGHT and DANDY YEARS and obtained a trailing position behind EVERYONE’S DELIGHT in order for SPLIT OF A SECOND to relax.
When questioned regarding his riding out of ULTIMATE GLORY, 6th placegetter, over the concluding stages, H W Lai stated that after the 100 Metres ULTIMATE GLORY’s run finished and he was unsure whether to continue to ride the horse out with the whip. He said he had a look to his inside at about the 75 Metres to establish whether ULTIMATE GLORY was in contention of running a placing. He said when he established that ULTIMATE GLORY was out of the first five placings, he then put the whip away and rode his mount hands and heels over the concluding stages. Given the margin of three quarters of a length between DANDY YEARS, the 5th placegetter, and ULTIMATE GLORY, the Stewards decided to take no further action other than to advise H W Lai of the necessity to ride his mounts out all the way to the end of the race. He was further warned against the practice of looking around in races.
A veterinary inspection of DANDY YEARS, PLIKCLONE, VOYAGE STAR and APEX TOP immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
DANDY YEARS, EVERYONE’S DELIGHT and GREEN ENVY were sent for sampling.

Race:8 (581) D'AGUILAR PEAK HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1200 m

ALL IN MIND shifted out at the start and bumped MARVEL DRAGON which was in turn taken out onto FIRST RESPONDER, resulting in that horse racing in restricted room inside COURIER WONDER which itself was racing tight inside GOOD VIEW CLARICO.
From the outside barrier, SPEEDY MOUSE was steadied in the early stages to obtain cover.
Approaching the 900 Metres, ALL IN MIND, which was travelling keenly, was steadied when racing in restricted room between HALL OF CHAMP which shifted out away from the heels of DUBLIN STAR and MARVEL DRAGON which was awkwardly placed inside the heels of FIRST RESPONDER.
After the 800 Metres, SPEND was awkwardly placed behind the heels of DUBLIN STAR which at this stage was steadied away from the heels of TRILLION WIN which itself was awkwardly placed inside the heels of COURIER WONDER.
Near the 650 Metres, FIRST RESPONDER was steadied when crowded for room between GOOD VIEW CLARICO (A Badel) which shifted in and TRILLION WIN which got its head on the side and lay out after being crossed by COURIER WONDER. As the Stewards were of the opinion that the shift out from TRILLION WIN had played a significant part in this incident, no further action was taken other than to advise A Badel to ensure that he leaves comfortable racing room for runners to his inside in similar circumstances.
Passing the 600 Metres, MARVEL DRAGON was left racing wide and without cover.
TRILLION WIN was unable to obtain clear running from on straightening until near the 200 Metres.
HALL OF CHAMP was held up for clear running in the early part of the Straight.
SPEND had difficulty obtaining clear running passing the 400 Metres.
Passing the 200 Metres, SPEEDY MOUSE was steadied when disappointed for running between MARVEL DRAGON and ALL IN MIND. SPEEDY MOUSE was then shifted to the outside of ALL IN MIND passing the 150 Metres to obtain clear running.
A veterinary inspection of GOOD VIEW CLARICO and FIRST RESPONDER immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
COURIER WONDER and TRILLION WIN were sent for sampling.

Race:9 (582) MOUNT BUTLER HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1800 m

CHAMPION SUPREME stood flat-footed as the start was effected and lost a considerable amount of ground. Before being allowed to race again, CHAMPION SUPREME will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial.
GOD OD DRAGON began only fairly and then was crowded for room between TASHIDELEK and RIGHT CHOICE which shifted out.
BLASTOISE began awkwardly and lost ground.
VINCY was shifted across behind runners in the early stages to obtain cover.
CINQUANTE CINQ was left racing wide and without cover after the 1000 Metres.
ALPHA HEDGE was held up in the early part of the Straight and near the 200 Metres was awkwardly placed close to the heels of PAKISTAN FRIEND. ALPHA HEDGE then continued to have difficulty obtaining clear running until near the 100 Metres.
CALIFORNIA TEN raced very greenly in the Straight and shifted ground on a number of occasions, requiring its rider to stop riding and straighten his mount.
For the majority of the race, TASHIDELEK travelled wide and without cover.
When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of BELUGA, which was racing over 1800 Metres for the first time today, Z Purton stated that he was not given any specific instructions on how the horse should be ridden from a wide barrier. He said after BELUGA began well, he took hold of his mount with a view to obtaining cover as RIGHT CHOICE was being ridden along to the inside of BELUGA. He said approaching and passing the 1600 Metres BELUGA travelled keenly and it took him some time to be able to shift BELUGA to race behind RIGHT CHOICE. He said as he did this RIGHT CHOICE was able to improve its position closer to the rail which resulted in BELUGA being left racing wide and without cover as LOOKING GREAT and ALPHA HEDGE had maintained their positions to the inside of BELUGA. He said as BELUGA was continuing to travel keenly, he allowed the horse to improve its position forward of RIGHT CHOICE after the 1100 Metres to race outside PAKISTAN FRIEND. He said whilst BELUGA had travelled too strongly in the early stages, he was of the opinion that this did not explain the horse coming off the bridle after the 700 Metres. He added he attempted to hold BELUGA together rounding the Home Turn, however, as soon as he placed the horse under pressure near the 350 Metres, BELUGA did not respond to his riding and commenced to give ground. He said, despite being ridden along after this, BELUGA weakened and did not finish off the race. After the race, Mr D J Hall, the trainer of BELUGA, informed the Stewards that it is his intention to give the horse a let-up following its disappointing run. A veterinary inspection of BELUGA immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of BELUGA, a last start winner, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, BELUGA will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
A veterinary inspection of PAKISTAN FRIEND immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported.
LOOKING GREAT and CALIFORNIA TEN were sent for sampling.

Race:10 (583) MA KONG SHAN HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1400 m

Just prior to the start being effected, BEAUTY FIT became fractious and then as the gates opened was slow to begin.
TRUE LEGEND shifted out at the start and inconvenienced MEANINGFUL STAR.
From the outside barrier, PASSING FASHION was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
Passing the 900 Metres, WINNING METHOD was momentarily awkwardly placed inside the heels of STOICISM due to both horses shifting marginal ground.
Passing the 700 Metres, LEWIS commenced to travel keenly and shifted out away from the heels of STOICISM which itself was awkwardly placed close to the heels of PERFECT PAIR. This resulted in LEWIS being left racing wide and without cover.
Approaching the 200 Metres, BEAUTY FIT (J Moreira) became unbalanced of its own accord. BEAUTY FIT then shifted ground on a number of occasions after this. J Moreira said that at this stage BEAUTY FIT, which had done its racing on left-handed tracks overseas, was having some difficulty adapting to racing in the clockwise direction.
Also approaching the 200 Metres, STOICISM momentarily raced in restricted room between LEWIS and FANTASTIC TREASURE which shifted out to obtain clear running.
A veterinary inspection of LEWIS immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
FANTASTIC TREASURE and PERFECT PAIR were sent for sampling.

Race:11 (584) CHEUNG LIN SHAN HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 2 1400 m

SILVER EXPRESS shifted out at the start and bumped INVINCIBLE MISSILE. SILVER EXPRESS then shifted in and bumped RACING FIGHTER which began awkwardly.
SUPER BUDDY began only fairly and after being momentarily awkwardly placed close to the heels of ROMAN TURBO on jumping was then shifted across behind runners from a wide barrier to obtain cover.
From a wide barrier, GOLD CHEST was also steadied in the early stages to obtain cover.
Near the 1000 Metres, SHINING GEM was left racing wide and without cover.
Approaching the 900 Metres, ARTHUR’S KINGDOM was checked away from the heels of SUPER WEALTHY which, when proving very difficult to settle, got its head up on a number of occasions when racing close to the heels of ROMAN TURBO.
Passing the 250 Metres, SUPER WEALTHY raced tight outside ROMAN TURBO which got its head on the side and lay out.
Close to the finishing line, INVINCIBLE MISSILE was awkwardly placed behind ROMAN TURBO.
Throughout the race, ROMAN TURBO travelled wide and without cover.
When questioned, A Badel stated that he had discussions prior to the race with the connections of ROMAN TURBO on how the horse should be ridden from a wide barrier. He said it was felt that HINCHINLOVE and HIGHLY PROACTIVE would lead and there would be an opportunity for ROMAN TURBO to obtain a position behind those horses given that it was believed that there were a number of horses in the race which would be positioned in about midfield or worse, therefore it was decided for ROMAN TURBO to be ridden positively and obtain a position behind the leaders if possible. He said it was intended for ROMAN TURBO to be ridden more forward than it was at its most recent start, however, on that occasion the horse did not begin as well as anticipated and the pace of the race was such that ROMAN TURBO raced further back in the field than had been intended. He said after obtaining a forward position, he steadied ROMAN TURBO approaching and passing the 1200 Metres to obtain a trailing position behind HINCHINLOVE, however, NOT USUAL TALENT was ridden along after the 1000 Metres to maintain its position and this resulted in ROMAN TURBO being left racing three wide and without cover.
The Stewards deferred the declaration of weighed-in as they were of the view that an incident occurred approaching the 200 Metres which cast sufficient doubt on whether SILVER EXPRESS should be declared the 3rd placegetter. It was established that approaching the 200 Metres, when being ridden out, SILVER EXPRESS ran out abruptly despite the efforts of its rider, resulting in ROMAN TURBO being badly hampered and taken out onto SUPER WEALTHY which was also hampered. It was also established that at the 150 Metres SUPER WEALTHY was racing on about terms with SILVER EXPRESS and then despite having clear and uninterrupted running for the remainder of the race was not able to make ground on SILVER EXPRESS. As the Stewards were of the opinion that SUPER WEALTHY had the opportunity to beat SILVER EXPRESS after the incident at the 200 Metres, they elected not to proceed to a formal protest/objection hearing. Whilst it did not have any bearing on the final decision of the Stewards, it should be noted that both Z Purton, the rider of SUPER WEALTHY, and Mr D J Whyte, the trainer of that horse, elected not to enter a formal protest/objection against SILVER EXPRESS despite viewing the videos on a number of occasions prior to the Stewards making their decision. As the Stewards were of the opinion that SILVER EXPRESS’ racing manners had caused this incident and that J Moreira, the rider of that horse, had reacted as quickly as possible to the abrupt shift out from SILVER EXPRESS, no action was taken against J Moreira. Given the manner in which SILVER EXPRESS shifted out abruptly today and the horse’s previous racing history in Hong Kong, the Stewards ruled that prior to being permitted to race again, that horse will be required to barrier trial satisfactorily under pressure.
After the race, an endoscopic examination was conducted on GUY DRAGON at the request of Trainer C Fownes. The Veterinary Surgeon said this examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, GUY DRAGON will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
A veterinary inspection of FLAGSHIP GLORY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.


1. Additional Veterinary Reports from Happy Valley Racemeeting on 8 April 2021





1. Fines

Race 3: Apprentice C L Chau (GALAXY EMPEROR): $35,000 for careless riding approaching the 300 Metres.

Race 7: Apprentice C L Chau (VOYAGE STAR): $6,000 for being 3 lbs overweight.

2. Warnings

Race 6: A Badel (LIGHT OF WANSHI) re improving into a run which was not fully available near the 500 Metres.

V Borges (NOBLE MAN) re looking around in races.

Race 7: H W Lai (ULTIMATE GLORY) re his riding out over the concluding stages and also looking around in races.

Race 8: A Badel (GOOD VIEW CLARICO) for shifting in near the 650 Metres.

3. Suspension

Race 3: Apprentice C L Chau (GALAXY EMPEROR) for careless riding approaching the 300 Metres (from 19 May 2021 until 27 May 2021 on which day he may resume race riding – 3 Hong Kong racedays).

4. Stewards’ Inquiry

Race 11

5. Bleeder


6. Barrier Trials





7. Official Veterinary Examinations



Race 9: BELUGA


8. Course and False Outside Rail Arrangement

Turf C Course

9. Rolling Arrangement

The track was rolled after race 7.