Race Meeting: 22/09/2024 (Sun)
10 races - Meeting Start Time: 13:00

Going Information

Sha Tin - MIXED - Turf B+2 Course / AWT
[All Weather Track] WET SLOW(Race 1,2)
[Turf] GOOD(Race 3,4,5) GOOD TO YIELDING(Race 6,7) YIELDING(Race 8,9,10)
Penetrometer Reading 2.72(as of 08:00 am) 2.72(as of 12:00 pm)
Clegg Hammer Reading 8.98(as of 08:00 am) 8.44(as of 12:00 pm)

Meeting Stewards

Mr Lester G Huang SBS JP (Chairman)
Mr Peter Kung
Mr M Van Gestel (Chief Stipendiary Steward)
Mr T Bailey (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr T Vassallo (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr K C Y Kwok (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr J C H Ho (Stipendiary Steward)

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Race:1 (37) HWAMEI HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1650 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
7 1 BILLIONAIRE SECRET (G303) K Teetan After the event, K Teetan reported that his mount did not appreciate racing inside other horses and as a consequence did not finish the race off in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 2 VIVA HUNTER (E369) P N Wong (-10) After the event, Apprentice P N Wong stated that her instructions were to go forward. She said VIVA HUNTER was not the best to begin and she rode her mount along in the early stages to comply with her instructions. She said VIVA HUNTER was obliged to race wide and without cover for the majority of the event and failed to run on in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
1 3 FLOOF (H432) M F Poon (-2) Sent for sampling post-race.
4 4 EXCEL WONGCHOY (J194) C Y Ho No report.
9 5 SOLAR GOGO (H390) C L Chau (-2) Near the 250 Metres was steadied away from BILLIONAIRE SECRET (K Teetan) which shifted out. K Teetan was severely reprimanded and advised he must stop riding and straighten his mounts in similar circumstances. After the event, C L Chau reported that his mount did not travel well at any stage and failed to run on in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 6 FORTUNE WHISKEY (J153) H T Mo (-2) Mr C W Chang, trainer of FORTUNE WHISKEY, was fined the sum of $5,000 for a breach of Rule 155(5) for improper conduct in that he threw his race book at the direction of FORTUNE WHISKEY to encourage the horse to enter the saddling stall on two occasions. The performance of FORTUNE WHISKEY, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, FORTUNE WHISKEY will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
5 7 HAKKA RADIANCE (J105) K C Leung After the event, K C Leung reported that from the outside barrier he was given no specific instructions, but was given the option to take up a forward position if circumstances permitted. He said after commencing well he took advantage of his mount’s good start and allowed it to stride forward and lead the event.
3 8 FOREVER FOLKS (G463) B Thompson No report.
2 9 LUCKY BANNER (G354) L Ferraris Sent for sampling post-race.
8 10 GAMEPLAYER WARRIOR (J178) M Chadwick Jumped awkwardly.

Race:2 (38) MAGPIE HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 5 1650 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
2 1 GO GO GO (H196) Z Purton Sent for sampling post-race.
8 2 VIVA A LA (G282) P N Wong (-10) When questioned, Apprentice P N Wong stated that entering the Back Straight approaching the 1100 Metres she dropped her whip as she endeavoured to restrain her mount. She said when under pressure in the Home Straight VIVA A LA did not respond to her riding which she attributed to the fact that she had to make some use of her mount in the early stages to comply with her instructions and lead. Apprentice Wong was reminded of her obligations to report to the Stewards any occurrence which might affect the performance of her horse. Noted to have lost its left front plate after the race. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
7 3 HARRY'S HERO (H332) H Bentley Bumped shortly after the start. After the event, H Bentley reported that his mount resented the kickback from the All Weather surface during the running of the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
1 4 RELIABLE PROFIT (G462) H Bowman Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. Sent for sampling post-race.
9 5 ASIAN ONE (E400) A Atzeni After the event, A Atzeni reported that although ASIAN ONE has raced successfully on the All Weather surface previously, it did not travel well during the event which he felt was due to the kickback from the All Weather surface.
5 6 PRECISION GOAL (H016) C L Chau (-2) C L Chau was found guilty of a careless riding charge for causing interference on entering the Home Straight near the 400 Metres (see PATCH OF WATCH).
3 7 COLOURFUL BARON (G301) L Hewitson Raced wide and without cover from the 1100 Metres.
6 8 MEDIC ELITE (G129) M F Poon (-2) Bumped shortly after the start. Approaching the 400 Metres was held up for clear running.
10 9 PATCH OF WATCH (H476) B Avdulla Jumped only fairly. C L Chau (PRECISION GOAL) was found guilty of a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that on entering the Home Straight near the 400 Metres he directed his mount out when insufficiently clear of PATCH OF WATCH, resulting in PATCH OF WATCH losing its running and being checked. C L Chau was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his very good race riding record. After the event, B Avdulla advised that his mount failed to run out 1650 Metres of today’s event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of PATCH OF WATCH, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, PATCH OF WATCH will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
4 10 JOYFUL CHAMPION (G072) K Teetan No report.

Race:3 (39) PARROT HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
5 1 RUN RUN TIMING (H403) P N Wong (-10) Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. Whilst the Stewards were satisfied that the riding of Apprentice P N Wong, 5th placegetter, over the concluding stages did not affect the horse’s finishing position, she was nonetheless reminded of her obligation to ensure that she fully rides her mounts out to the finish of the race.
2 2 STELLAR SWIFT (J139) A Atzeni Near the 400 Metres was eased and shifted to the outside of BULB EMPEROR to obtain clear running. Sent for sampling post-race.
9 3 BULB EMPEROR (J241) M F Poon (-2) Made contact with the left side of its barrier on jumping and lost ground. After the event, M F Poon stated that his mount travelled comfortably in the early stages, but failed to respond to his riding in the Home Straight. He added that BULB EMPEROR may not have appreciated the seven-day backup from its last start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
4 4 FUN N FUN TOGETHER (J232) C Y Ho No report.
3 5 STORMING DRAGON (J237) Z Purton Near the 150 Metres shifted in, resulting in its rider Z Purton having to stop riding and straighten his mount. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 6 PEARL OF PANG'S (J447) M Chadwick No report.
1 7 SUGAR BALL (H394) K C Leung Sent for sampling post-race.
8 8 GOOD LUCK WIN (J135) B Thompson No report.
11 9 GET SET WIN (J287) K De Melo Jumped only fairly. Near the 350 Metres, when under pressure, blundered. The performance of GET SET WIN, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, GET SET WIN will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination which must include additional diagnostic assessments. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
7 10 CIRCUIT MAXIMUS (J347) L Hewitson Jumped awkwardly, made contact with the left side of its barrier and lost ground.
10 11 WINNING TURN (J163) H Bentley After the event, H Bentley advised that he could offer no explanation for his mount’s poor performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

Race:4 (40) SHRIKE HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 (Restricted) 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
9 1 SANTORINI (J076) K Teetan After the event, K Teetan stated that after enjoying a good run in the early and middle stages, SANTORINI failed to respond to his riding in the Home Straight and raced in a disappointing manner. Trainer F C Lor expressed disappointment with the horse’s performance and stated that SANTORINI may not have appreciated carrying top weight of 133 lbs. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 2 RUN YES RUN (J264) E C W Wong (-7) Slow to begin. After the event, Apprentice E C W Wong stated that his mount jumped only fairly and as a result he was obliged to make use of RUN YES RUN to hold a forward position as instructed. He added after being held up in the early part of the Home Straight RUN YES RUN did not respond to his riding which he attributed to the use he had to make of his mount in the early stages to hold a forward position. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
3 3 NORTHERN FIRE BALL (J488) Y L Chung (-3) No report.
1 4 PATCH OF COSMO (J357) L Ferraris As the start was effected bounded and lost ground. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 5 CALIFORNIA MOXIE (J131) B Avdulla No report.
4 6 ANGELIC (J336) L Hewitson Shortly after the start was eased when crowded by CALIFORNIA MOXIE which shifted in slightly. Between the 400 Metres and the 300 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running.
11 7 CASHISCASH (J369) C L Chau (-2) Near the 900 Metres raced in restricted room between SKYEY BLUE and SMART ZIPANG, both of which shifted ground slightly. As a result, CASHISCASH then raced keenly for some distance thereafter. Near the 200 Metres was checked when crowded between PATCH OF COSMO (L Ferraris) which shifted in slightly and SKYEY BLUE (M F Poon) which, after being taken out by WORLD HERO (K De Melo), then shifted out and away from that runner after making contact with CASHISCASH. Both L Ferraris and K De Melo were advised to exercise more care. M F Poon was reprimanded and advised he is required to make a greater effort to show due care to his fellow riders in similar circumstances. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have a continuous displacement of the soft palate.
2 8 ETALON OR (J273) A Badel From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Making the Home Turn was held up for clear running. Sent for sampling post-race.
7 9 WORLD HERO (J413) K De Melo Raced wide and without cover from the 900 Metres.
10 10 CONCORDE STAR (J344) K C Leung No report.
13 11 SUPREME WINNER (J255) A Hamelin From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
12 12 SMART ZIPANG (J165) C Y Ho Raced very wide and without cover from the 900 Metres.
8 13 SKYEY BLUE (J212) M F Poon (-2) No report.

Race:5 (41) GOLDEN SIXTY HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1000 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
4 1 METRO WARRIOR (D387) K C Leung No report.
1 2 CHEVAL VALIANT (E336) P N Wong (-10) Sent for sampling post-race.
2 3 MAJESTIC EXPRESS (J244) H Bowman Was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 4 PANDA (H466) Z Purton No report.
8 5 DRAGON AIR FORCE (J279) K Teetan After the event, K Teetan reported that his mount, which was having its second race start, raced greenly when there was no other horse positioned to its inside and as a result lacked concentration during the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
11 6 ALMIGHTY KICK (J254) Y L Chung (-3) After the 150 Metres was steadied when crowded by HOLY POWER (M Chadwick) which shifted to the outside of METRO WARRIOR to obtain clear running after being held up on the heels of that runner. M Chadwick was reprimanded.
12 7 SUPERSONIC (J192) B Thompson Bumped at the start. After the 150 Metres was crowded.<23/9/2024 Additional Veterinary Reports>The Veterinary Surgeon reported that SUPERSONIC had sustained a right front tendon injury after racing. Before being allowed to race again, SUPERSONIC will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
14 8 VIGOR ELLEEGANT (J375) C L Chau (-2) Jumped awkwardly. When questioned, C L Chau stated that from the inside barrier he was requested by his connections to stay towards the inside rail so it was not positioned racing amongst or behind horses to avoid any kickback as the event was run during rain falling. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of mucus in its trachea and also found the horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. The performance of VIGOR ELLEEGANT, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, VIGOR ELLEEGANT will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
9 9 RUN RUN COOL (E322) L Hewitson Shifted out on jumping and was bumped. Approaching the 300 Metres raced tight to the outside of ALMIGHTY KICK which lay out at that point. Was then held up for clear running behind SUPERSONIC until approaching the 200 Metres.
10 10 SOLAR UP (J134) H T Mo (-2) Jumped only fairly.
6 11 CIRCUIT SEVEN (D474) M F Poon (-2) Blundered shortly after the start.
7 12 HOLY POWER (H039) M Chadwick Near the 250 Metres became held up for clear running behind CIRCUIT SEVEN and after being shifted to the outside of that runner continued to be held up behind METRO WARRIOR and as a result could not be fully ridden out to the finish of the event.
3 13 MR GOOD VIBES (H180) A Badel Near the 250 Metres had difficulty obtaining clear running.
13 14 SPICY SPANGLE (J087) C Y Ho At declaration time, C Y Ho was declared as the rider of both ALMIGHTY KICK and SPICY SPANGLE. It was established that C Y Ho had a firm commitment to ride SPICY SPANGLE. As such, the Stewards permitted Y L Chung to be substituted as the rider of ALMIGHTY KICK. For this declaration error, Jockey Ho was fined $2,000. Jumped only fairly.

Race:6 (42) SUNBIRD HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1600 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
3 1 AWESOME FLUKE (J050) A Atzeni No report.
8 2 PACKING HURRICANE (H137) E C W Wong (-7) Apprentice E C W Wong was found guilty of a breach of Rule 100(2) in that he failed to ride PACKING HURRICANE, 8th placegetter, out to the end of the race to the satisfaction of the Stewards. For this breach of the Rule, Apprentice Wong was fined a sum of $10,000.
5 3 UNIVERSAL HORIZON (G360) C Y Ho Jumped only fairly.
2 4 ILLUMINOUS (J170) H Bowman Jumped only fairly. After the event, H Bowman explained that his intention in the Home Straight was to follow TURIN STARSPANGLED. He said when that runner did not improve as quickly as he had expected, he shifted to the outside of FLAGSHIP WARRIOR to obtain clear running near the 150 Metres to avoid his mount losing momentum at that point. Sent for sampling post-race.
11 5 EIGHTEEN CARAT (J104) C L Chau (-2) Near the 200 Metres was eased to avoid BEAUTY LIVE which was taken out. After the event, C L Chau stated that his mount travelled well during the running of the event but was one-paced in the Home Straight. He added his mount would appreciate being stepped up in distance for its next start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 6 FALLON (H219) Y L Chung (-3) No report.
10 7 BRIGHT INHERITANCE (J215) M Chadwick Raced wide and without cover from the 900 Metres.
1 8 TURIN STARSPANGLED (J209) Z Purton For some distance near the 900 Metres raced keenly. Sent for sampling post-race.
4 9 FLAGSHIP WARRIOR (G452) A Badel After the event, A Badel stated that after being caught wide in the early stages and when the early pace of the event was run outside of standard time, he allowed his mount to stride forward and take up a position behind the leaders to avoid racing wide.
7 10 BEAUTY LIVE (G057) K C Leung Near the 900 Metres was steadied when crowded by TURIN STARSPANGLED which, when racing keenly, was taken in by AWESOME FLUKE (A Atzeni). A Atzeni was advised to exercise more care. For some distance after the 200 Metres was taken wider by ILLUMINOUS (H Bowman) which shifted out. H Bowman was advised to exercise more care.
9 11 TRUE GENIUS (J073) K Teetan Jumped only fairly.

Race:7 (43) THE CELEBRATION CUP (HANDICAP) (Sec1) Group Three 1400 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
2 1 TAJ DRAGON (H164) C Y Ho Sent for sampling post-race.
7 2 FLYING ACE (G045) M F Poon No report.
3 3 HEALTHY HAPPY (D435) M Chadwick No report.
4 4 PACKING TREADMILL (G161) L Hewitson Bumped shortly after the start.
1 5 THE GOLDEN SCENERY (E379) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
5 6 CHIU CHOW SPIRIT (H175) A Badel Noted to have blood in its mouth on arrival at the Start, was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. After the event, A Badel stated that his instructions were to find cover. He said approaching the first turn when he felt the pace of the event eased, he elected to allow CHIU CHOW SPIRIT to stride forward which resulted in it racing wide and without cover from the 800 Metres. He added in the Home Straight CHIU CHOW SPIRIT finished the race off only fairly which he attributed to the horse not appreciating the "Good to Yielding” track conditions. After considering his explanation and the sectional times of the event, the Stewards found the tactics adopted were reasonable in the circumstances. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 7 WONDER KIT (G455) A Atzeni Bumped shortly after the start. Raced keenly in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

Race:8 (44) SWALLOW HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1400 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
13 1 CALIFORNIA DEEPLY (G451) Y L Chung (-3) Raced wide and without cover from the 900 Metres. After the event, Y L Chung reported that his mount did not appreciate the "Yielding” track conditions. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
2 2 FIRST LOVE (J355) Z Purton Sent for sampling post-race.
7 3 BALLISTIC WIN (J040) B Thompson After the event, B Thompson reported that his mount obtained an advantageous position during the running of the race, but did not respond fully to his riding when under pressure in the Home Straight and finished the race off only fairly. Sent for sampling post-race.
3 4 ALL RICHES (G060) K C Leung No report.
6 5 HIGHLAND RAHY (J298) L Hewitson No report.
8 6 MAJESTIC SPEED (J018) C L Chau (-2) From the 400 Metres until approaching the 250 Metres was held up for clear running.
1 7 MASTER MASTERMIND (J024) H Bowman Approaching the 300 Metres improved into a tight run between STRATHPEFFER and HIGHLAND RAHY and as a result had difficulty obtaining clear running for some distance thereafter when it made contact with STRATHPEFFER. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 8 BEER PALACE (H361) L Ferraris No report.
9 9 SMASHING EXPRESS (J252) B Avdulla No report.
11 10 RAGNARR (H297) P N Wong (-10) Slow to begin. Trainer D J Hall confirmed the instructions were to take up a forward position, but RAGNARR settled further back due to it being slow to begin.
10 11 MIU FA FA (J145) M F Poon (-2) No report.
4 12 STRATHPEFFER (H095) M Chadwick Approaching the 300 Metres was bumped by MASTER MASTERMIND as it endeavoured to prevent that runner from shifting out. After the event, M Chadwick stated that he was instructed from a wide barrier to take up a forward position to capitalize on the horse’s light weight. Trainer D J Whyte confirmed the instructions issued to Jockey Chadwick in that he was to ride his mount positively. He added that he issued these instructions as STRATHPEFFER has raced disappointingly when settling back in the field, particularly where it resented the kickback on rain affected surfaces. He further added that it would be his intention to continue to ride STRATHPEFFER in the manner in which it was ridden today.
12 13 FAST AS ROCKET (H375) K De Melo After the 1300 Metres improved to the inside of SMASHING EXPRESS as that runner commenced to shift in. A short distance later was steadied to avoid SMASHING EXPRESS. After the event, K De Melo reported that his mount was coughing subsequent to the race. Noted to have bled from both nostrils after the race. Before being allowed to race again, FAST AS ROCKET will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
14 14 FORTUNE COOKIES (J032) H T Mo (-2) The performance of FORTUNE COOKIES, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, FORTUNE COOKIES will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

Race:9 (45) TAILORBIRD HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
1 1 WUNDERBAR (H411) Z Purton Bumped on the hindquarters shortly after the start. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 2 CALIFORNIA TOUCH (J051) M Chadwick No report.
4 3 SUGAR SUGAR (G016) H Bowman Jumped only fairly, shifted out and made contact with the hindquarters of WUNDERBAR.
9 4 YOUNG SUPERSTAR (J400) Y L Chung (-3) On jumping was taken wider by STORM RIDER.
2 5 LUCY IN THE SKY (J275) K Teetan Shifted in at the start and was bumped. Sent for sampling post-race.
7 6 GOLDEN EMPIRE (E490) A Atzeni No report.
8 7 PRAWNS ELEVEN (J140) H Bentley Near the 800 Metres was steadied when momentarily crowded by LUCY IN THE SKY (K Teetan) which shifted in before being corrected. K Teetan was advised to exercise more care. After the event, H Bentley reported that although the horse has raced well on rain affected going in the past, it did not appreciate today’s "Yielding” track conditions. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 8 STORM RIDER (J027) L Hewitson Jumped awkwardly, got its head up and shifted out. From a wide barrier was then shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 150 Metres was disappointed for clear running between PRAWNS ELEVEN and CAPTAIN WIN and was then shifted to the inside of PRAWNS ELEVEN to continue into clear running.
3 9 CAPTAIN WIN (E466) C Y Ho Making the Home Turn was held up for clear running.
10 10 MEGA BONUS (E184) A Hamelin Bumped on jumping.

Race:10 (46) WOODPECKER HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 2 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
6 1 SON PAK FU (G265) E C W Wong (-7) Near the 500 Metres was bumped by WATCH BUDDY which shifted out.
3 2 COPARTNER PRANCE (H408) Z Purton Near the 200 Metres had some difficulty obtaining clear running.
4 3 BUNDLE OF CHARM (G213) A Badel From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
9 4 BEAUTY CHARGE (G231) B Avdulla From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
2 5 SUPERB CAPITALIST (H092) Y L Chung (-3) Sent for sampling post-race.
8 6 YOUNG CHAMPION (J195) K Teetan Jumped only fairly. When questioned, K Teetan stated that his mount travelled well during the event although a little keenly as it was first up today. He said in the Home Straight YOUNG CHAMPION was not entirely comfortable on the "Yielding” track conditions and did not respond to his riding over the final 200 Metres. Trainer J Size stated that, in his opinion, YOUNG CHAMPION would derive benefit from today’s first up performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. The Stewards deemed the performance of YOUNG CHAMPION to be disappointing as compared to its previous race starts. Before being allowed to race again, YOUNG CHAMPION will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
1 7 HARMONY N BLESSED (E061) K De Melo Sent for sampling post-race.
5 8 SING DRAGON (J141) L Ferraris No report.
11 9 VICTORY MOMENTS (H142) M Chadwick No report.
7 10 WATCH BUDDY (H185) P N Wong (-10) Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Bumped at the 500 Metres.
10 11 FULL CREDIT (J185) L Hewitson When questioned, L Hewitson stated that his mount was able to obtain a position with cover behind the leaders in the early stages where it travelled well. He said in the Home Straight FULL CREDIT initially responded to his riding but over the final 200 Metres was disappointing in its finishing effort. He added he could offer no excuse for the performance of the horse, particularly as it had pleased him in its track work and barrier trials leading into today’s race. Trainer M Newnham confirmed he had been pleased with the horse’s work and barrier trials leading into today’s race and other than being up in grade he could offer no explanation for the performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of FULL CREDIT was considered to be disappointing as compared to its previous race starts. Before being allowed to race again, FULL CREDIT will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Sent for sampling post-race.



Prior to the running of Race 6, the track classification for the turf course was officially changed from "Good” to "Good to Yielding”. After the running of Race 7, the track classification for the turf course was officially changed from "Good to Yielding” to "Yielding”.

2. 18 September 2024 Happy Valley Racemeeting – Race 8 (36)

OUTGATE - Y L Chung was reminded of his obligations not to use the whip in a manner where he does not provide his mounts the opportunity to respond to his use of the whip.




1. Fines

Race 1
Trainer C W Chang (FORTUNE WHISKEY): $5,000 for a breach of Rule 155(5)

Race 5
C Y Ho: $2,000 for double declaration

Race 6
Apprentice E C W Wong (PACKING HURRICANE): $10,000 for a breach of Rule 100(2)

2. Severe Reprimand

Race 1
K Teetan (BILLIONAIRE SECRET) for shifting out near the 250 Metres

3. Reprimands

Race 4
M F Poon (SKYEY BLUE) for shifting out near the 200 Metres

Race 5
M Chadwick (HOLY POWER) for shifting out after the 150 Metres

4. Warnings

Race 2
Apprentice P N Wong (VIVA A LA) re her obligations to report any occurrence which may affect the performance of her horse

Race 3
Apprentice P N Wong (RUN RUN TIMING) re the manner in which she rode her mount out over the concluding stages

Race 4
L Ferraris (PATCH OF COSMO) for shifting in near the 200 Metres
K De Melo (WORLD HERO) for shifting out near the 200 Metres
Race 6
A Atzeni (AWESOME FLUKE) for shifting in near the 900 Metres
H Bowman (ILLUMINOUS) for shifting out for some distance after the 200 Metres

Race 9
K Teetan (LUCY IN THE SKY) for shifting in near the 800 Metres

Y L Chung (OUTGATE) re the use of his whip

5. Suspension

Race 2
C L Chau (PRECISION GOAL) for careless riding on entering the Home Straight near the 400 Metres (Wednesday, 16 October 2024 – 1 Hong Kong raceday)

6. Bleeder

Race 8

7. Barrier Trials

Race 1
FORTUNE WHISKEY (unacceptable performance)

Race 2
PATCH OF WATCH (unacceptable performance)

Race 3
GET SET WIN (unacceptable performance)

Race 5
VIGOR ELLEEGANT (unacceptable performance)

Race 8
FAST AS ROCKET (bleeder)
FORTUNE COOKIES (unacceptable performance)

Race 10
YOUNG CHAMPION (disappointing performance)
FULL CREDIT (disappointing performance)

8. Official Veterinary Examinations

Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

Race 5

Race 8

Race 10

9. False Outside Rail Arrangement

4 Metres

10. Rolling Arrangement

The track was not rolled today.