Race Meeting: 28/09/2024 (Sat)
10 races - Meeting Start Time: 13:00

Going Information

Sha Tin - MIXED - Turf C Course / AWT
[All Weather Track] GOOD(Race 1,4)
[Turf] GOOD(Race 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Penetrometer Reading 2.72(as of 08:00 am) 2.72(as of 12:00 pm)
Clegg Hammer Reading 9.69(as of 08:00 am) 9.69(as of 12:00 pm)

Meeting Stewards

Mr Philip K W Lo (Chairman)
Mr Michael J Caddy
Mr M Van Gestel (Chief Stipendiary Steward)
Mr T Bailey (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr T Vassallo (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr K C Y Kwok (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr J C H Ho (Stipendiary Steward)

Mr Jackson Woo Ka Biu acted for Mr Philip K W Lo as Chairman for Race 7.
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Race:1 (55) HO PUI HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 5 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
1 1 DAILY TROPHY (H283) B Thompson In the Home Straight lay in, resulting in its rider B Thompson having to stop riding and straighten his mount on several occasions. Sent for sampling post-race.
9 2 CIRCUIT BLAZING (H479) A Hamelin No report.
8 3 SMART LEADER (B456) Z Purton Noted to have blood at its mouth on arrival at the Start, was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. After the event, Z Purton could offer no excuse for his mount’s disappointing performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 4 SPANGLE FORTUNE (G427) K C Leung No report.
3 5 HIGH RISE POWER (H353) B Avdulla From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
7 6 DIAMOND SOARS (G201) E C W Wong (-7) When questioned, Apprentice E C W Wong stated that over the concluding stags he did not continue to ride his mount out as he was concerned that REGENCY HAPPY STAR may shift in towards his mount. Whilst the Stewards accepted that REGENCY HAPPY STAR had shifted in towards DIAMOND SOARS, they were satisfied that there was still comfortable racing room for Apprentice Wong to ride his mount out to the finish notwithstanding this fact. Whilst the Stewards were satisfied that the riding of Apprentice Wong, 7th placegetter, over the concluding stages did not affect the horse’s finishing position, he was nonetheless reminded of his obligation to ensure that he fully rides his mounts out to the finish of the race.
5 7 SUPER JOY (G251) M Chadwick For some distance near the 450 Metres raced tight to the inside of SMART LEADER when it obtained a narrow run to that horse’s inside. After the race, M Chadwick reported that his mount began only fairly and after being ridden along in the early stages did not travel well during the event. He said in the Home Straight SUPER JOY finished the race off fairly and did not appear to appreciate the loose surface. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, SUPER JOY will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Sent for sampling post-race.
2 8 VULCANUS (J150) Y L Chung (-3) Jumped only fairly. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. Sent for sampling post-race.
4 9 REGENCY HAPPY STAR (H248) M L Yeung Over the concluding stages could not be fully ridden out when awkwardly placed close to the heels of DAILY TROPHY (B Thompson) which shifted in as it was being corrected by its rider B Thompson. Whilst the Stewards accepted B Thompson had stopped riding and straightened his mount, he was advised in similar circumstances he would be expected to make an effort sooner than what he did on this occasion.

Race:2 (56) HOI PA HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 5 1600 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
8 1 GAMEPLAYER WARRIOR (J178) L Ferraris Jumped awkwardly, shifted in and was bumped. In the early stages raced keenly and from the 1000 Metres was left racing wide and without cover.
6 2 NICE BIRDIE (G470) P N Wong (-10) A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
4 3 INVINCIBLE MISSILE (C037) A Badel Slow to begin.
5 4 MERCHANT PRINCE (H268) B Thompson Bumped at the start.
2 6 CHARMANDER (G437) Z Purton Sent for sampling post-race.
3 7 GO HERO (H315) Y L Chung (-3) No report.
1 8 CASA LEGEND (G126) M F Poon (-2) Bumped on jumping. Sent for sampling post-race.
7 9 HAPPY HUNK (H101) M Chadwick After the event, M Chadwick reported that as the start was effected his mount lunged forward slightly which resulted in HAPPY HUNK bounding on jumping and losing ground. He said as a result HAPPY HUNK settled further back in the field than what had been intended and this was the principal reason for the horse’s disappointing performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, HAPPY HUNK will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
5 HARRY'S HERO (H332) H Bentley Withdrawn on 27.9.24 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore). Before being allowed to race again, HARRY’S HERO will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

Race:3 (57) SHA TSUI HANDICAP (Sec2) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
8 1 MACANESE MASTER (J532) M F Poon (-2) No report.
6 2 COLOURFUL WINNER (J312) M L Yeung Shifted out shortly after the start and was bumped. K C Leung (LIFE OF STONE) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 900 Metres he allowed his mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of COLOURFUL WINNER, resulting in COLOURFUL WINNER being checked to avoid the heels of LIFE OF STONE. K C Leung was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his excellent race riding record. Noted to have lost its right front plate after the race.
7 3 POCHETTINO (J149) A Badel Bumped shortly after the start and became unbalanced. When questioned regarding the performance, A Badel stated that at its first race start when settling back in the field POCHETTINO was aided by a faster tempo in that event. He said as today’s race was being run outside of standard time throughout the early and middle stages POCHETTINO had difficulty making up ground in the Straight but also would appreciate being stepped up in distance for its next race start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 4 SEA AIR LEGEND (H318) E C W Wong (-7) Raced wide and without cover in the early stages. After the 600 Metres was taken wider by POCHETTINO, resulting in SEA AIR LEGEND being obliged to race very wide and without cover thereafter.
1 5 SUPER LEGENDS (H364) K H Chan (-5) Sent for sampling post-race.
5 6 LIFE OF STONE (J374) K C Leung K C Leung pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference near the 900 Metres (see COLOURFUL WINNER). After the event, K C Leung reported that from the outside barrier and an expected lack of early speed, he had been requested to take up a forward position preferably with cover. He said in the early stages he was obliged to continue forward and race outside the lead to attempt to comply with his instructions.
2 7 YEE CHEONG RAIDER (J176) C Y Ho Jumped awkwardly. Sent for sampling post-race.
3 8 FUNG (J101) H T Mo (-2) No report.
9 9 WINNING HEART (H065) B Avdulla After the 200 Metres was held up for clear running between LIFE OF STONE and COLOURFUL WINNER which shifted in slightly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
4 10 URBAN TRIUMPH (H200) M Chadwick From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

Race:4 (58) TAI HO HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
2 1 BOWSER (H460) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
6 2 SHANGHAI STYLE (J093) M F Poon (-2) Jumped awkwardly and then shortly after the start was bumped by FLYING DRAGON (A Atzeni) which shifted in, resulting in SHANGHAI STYLE then having to be checked to avoid COSMO NAVIGATOR (Y L Chung) which shifted out slightly. Both A Atzeni and Y L Chung were advised to exercise more care. For some distance near the 500 Metres was unable to continue to improve when racing tight to the inside of SONIC BOOM which shifted in slightly.
4 3 REGENT GLORY (E323) Z Purton Jumped only fairly. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 4 ACA POWER (E144) A Badel From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
8 5 DAY DAY VICTORY (J423) L Hewitson On jumping was crowded by JOLLY COMPANION which shifted out. In the early stages raced keenly.
7 6 ROBOT KNIGHT (H464) C Y Ho No report.
11 7 VALHALLA (E495) L Ferraris Had its right hind plate replated in the Parade Ring, was examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race.
12 8 FLYING DRAGON (E360) A Atzeni When questioned, A Atzeni stated that his mount jumped well and after travelling a short distance he was obliged to make use of his mount to hold his position. He said FLYING DRAGON did not travel well thereafter and raced in a disappointing manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of FLYING DRAGON, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, FLYING DRAGON will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
9 9 HAPPY TANGO (D075) E C W Wong (-7) After the event, Apprentice E C W Wong stated that his mount was disadvantaged by being pressured in the lead by JOLLY COMPANION and as a consequence did not respond to his riding in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
3 10 COSMO NAVIGATOR (H156) Y L Chung (-3) Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event.
1 11 JOLLY COMPANION (H454) P N Wong (-10) Shifted out at the start and was bumped. Sent for sampling post-race.
10 12 SONIC BOOM (H144) M Chadwick After the event, M Chadwick stated that he was obliged to make use of his mount in the early stages to hold a midfield position. He said in the Home Straight SONIC BOOM did not respond to his riding and may not have appreciated the loose surface. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

Race:5 (59) TAK WAH HANDICAP (Sec2) Class 4 1400 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
8 1 MAJESTIC COLOUR (H124) K C Leung Bumped shortly after the start. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event.
1 2 FIGHTING MACHINE (J015) Z Purton Briefly held up for clear running near the 400 Metres. Sent for sampling post-race.
12 3 VIVA GRACIOUSNESS (J079) M Chadwick Raced very wide and without cover for the majority of the event.
10 4 LEEDOX (J154) A Atzeni Jumped only fairly and then shortly after the start was steadied when crowded by MAJESTIC COLOUR which shifted in after being bumped by TAKE ACTION. Approaching the 200 Metres was disappointed for clear running between VIVA GRACIOUSNESS and ACE POWER which shifted out when giving ground.
11 5 ACE POWER (J181) B Avdulla Jumped only fairly.
6 6 CALIFORNIA BANNER (J132) Y L Chung (-3) Bounded on jumping and lost ground. Approaching the 1200 Metres, when being shifted across behind runners, became unbalanced when positioned close to the running rail. Then continued to race ungenerously for some distance thereafter.
3 7 MR ENERGIA (J239) H Bentley From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Lay in in the Home Straight, resulting in its rider H Bentley changing his whip through to his right hand approaching the 150 Metres.
9 8 CHAMPION METHOD (H366) C Y Ho No report.
7 9 FOOLISH HEART (J054) B Thompson A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported.
4 10 FOXHUNTER KING (J044) M L Yeung After the event, M L Yeung stated that with his mount stepping up in distance today and drawing an inside barrier, he had been instructed to take up a more forward position than previous race starts. Trainer K W Lui confirmed the instructions issued.
5 11 TAKE ACTION (J098) A Badel Shifted in at the start and was bumped. From the 400 Metres until approaching the 300 Metres was held up for clear running.
2 12 AFFIRM (H306) M F Poon (-2) Sent for sampling post-race.

Race:6 (60) TAK WAH HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1400 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
3 1 JUMBO LEGEND (G266) L Ferraris No report.
11 2 NORTHERN BEAST (H233) Z Purton After the event, Z Purton reported that his mount would derive benefit from today’s first up performance. Trainer D J Hall stated that whilst NORTHERN BEAST had trialed on two occasions leading into this event, it had not been asked in those trials to do too much work. He added he agreed with Jockey Purton that NORTHERN BEAST would derive benefit from today’s performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 3 MY FLYING ANGEL (J174) E C W Wong (-7) Jumped only fairly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
12 4 ORIENTAL TYCOON (J112) M L Yeung No report.
5 5 AMAZING RUN (H401) L Hewitson From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
7 6 HAPPY DAILY (E294) C Y Ho When questioned, C Y Ho stated that his instructions were to endeavour to ride HAPPY DAILY with cover in a midfield position as his mount races best when ridden this way. He said HAPPY DAILY jumped well today and as a result held a forward position in the early stages. He said after travelling a short distance he looked to see whether he could obtain cover behind runners to his inside, but when unable to do so, this resulted in HAPPY DAILY being caught wide and without cover. When questioned if there was an opportunity to go forward to avoid racing wide and without cover, having regard to the pace of the event being run outside of standard time, C Y Ho stated that he had ridden HAPPY DAILY in this manner previously and HAPPY DAILY did not finish the race off strongly. He said for this reason he elected to remain racing wide and without cover to give his mount the best opportunity of finishing the race off. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 7 CIRCUIT MIGHTY (G078) K C Leung No report.
2 8 FORERUNNER (G465) Y L Chung (-3) From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race.
1 9 DEAL COMPLETED (J378) H Bentley When questioned regarding the improved performance, Trainer K H Ting stated that at its last start on 14 July 2024, he had been encouraged by the horse’s improvement when blinkers were applied. He said this preparation, he had also been pleased with DEAL COMPLETED’s barrier trial on 10 September 2024 and as DEAL COMPLETED is a one-paced horse and was stepping up to the 1400 Metres, he had instructed H Bentley to go forward. He added DEAL COMPLETED was also assisted by being able to lead the event with the pace being run outside of standard time in the early stages. Sent for sampling post-race.
4 10 HARMONY N HOME (C531) M F Poon (-2) No report.
9 11 GANGNAM STAR (H326) A Badel Near the 150 Metres was momentarily crowded by MY FLYING ANGEL which shifted in slightly when giving ground. After the event, A Badel stated that his mount was disadvantaged by the pace of the event being run outside of standard time in the early stages and would be better suited from a wider barrier draw so that it would be provided with more comfortable racing room. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
8 12 KASA PAPA (G312) M Chadwick Jumped only fairly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

Race:7 (61) THE YAN CHAI TROPHY (HANDICAP) (Sec1) Class 3 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
2 1 BOTTOMUPTOGETHER (J316) Z Purton When questioned regarding his riding in the early stages of the Home Straight, Z Purton stated that after racing outside the leader SUPER FORTUNE, when that runner was placed under pressure from the 450 Metres to improve into the race, BOTTOMUPTOGETHER lay out and also came under pressure itself. He said as a result he elected to continue to encourage BOTTOMUPTOGETHER to improve past SUPER FORTUNE as his mount continued to be under pressure, particularly with its top weight of 135 lbs. He added after improving past SUPER FORTUNE near the 200 Metres, he then commenced to fully push his mount out near the 150 Metres before drawing the whip as he passed the 100 Metres. He said when placed under pressure with the whip BOTTOMUPTOGETHER showed little additional response to his riding although it continued to do its best to the end of the race. Sent for sampling post-race.
1 2 RUBYLOT (H412) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
9 3 EQUATORIAL (J128) A Atzeni Jumped only fairly.
3 4 GREAT STATE (J124) M L Yeung Passing the 400 Metres was shifted to the outside of POLARIS to obtain clear running. After the 300 Metres shifted out, resulting in its rider M L Yeung having to stop riding and straighten.
7 5 POLARIS (J404) H Bentley No report.
5 6 GOKO WIN (H069) M Chadwick No report.
6 7 GALVANIC (H147) L Hewitson From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
8 8 ELEGANT LIFE (J366) A Hamelin After the event, A Hamelin reported that from a favourable barrier today he was able to obtain a more forward position than its last start. He said ELEGANT LIFE travelled a little keenly in the early stages and he recommended to connections that ELEGANT LIFE may be better ridden in a more conservative manner in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
4 9 SUPER FORTUNE (G065) M F Poon (-2) No report.

Race:8 (62) SHA TSUI HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
3 1 AWESOME TREASURE (E435) M L Yeung No report.
1 2 HAROLD WIN (J280) A Atzeni When questioned, A Atzeni stated that in the Home Straight when positioned tight to the outside of AWESOME TREASURE, HAROLD WIN lay in towards that runner which restricted his ability to use the whip behind the saddle. He said as a result he used the whip down the shoulder of HAROLD WIN on a number of occasions in an attempt to prevent it from shifting in whilst continuing to encourage his mount to win the event. A Atzeni was fined the sum of $7,500 for using the whip on a number of occasions forward of the saddle in the Home Straight. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 3 LUCKY TOUCH (J203) B Avdulla Shortly after the start was bumped by WIN SPEED when that runner raced tight to the inside of UNIVERSAL BLAZE. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
7 4 EVERYONE'S CLASSIC (J407) Z Purton When questioned regarding the performance, Z Purton stated that whilst his mount travelled satisfactorily during the event, it would appreciate being stepped up in distance for its next race start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to have bled from both nostrils. Before being allowed to race again, EVERYONE’S CLASSIC will be required to perform satisfactorily in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
2 5 BLAZING WIND (J157) C Y Ho Sent for sampling post-race.
5 6 KING OBERON (H407) L Hewitson No report.
9 7 UNIVERSAL BLAZE (J160) A Badel No report.
8 8 GLORIOUS EXPERT (J028) P N Wong (-10) Jumped awkwardly, shifted out and made contact with STRATHBARRY. Near the 900 Metres lay in and away from AWESOME TREASURE, made contact with the running rail and became unbalanced. After the event, Apprentice P N Wong stated that her mount raced keenly in the early stages and when positioned to the inside of AWESOME TREASURE, she elected to stride forward and lead the event rather than having to excessively restrain her mount. She added as a result of the manner in which GLORIOUS EXPERT raced in the early stages, it gave ground when placed under pressure in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 9 STRATHBARRY (H413) B Thompson Bumped on jumping. Noted to have bled from both nostrils after the race. As this was the second occasion that STRATHBARRY had bled, the horse is permanently barred from any further racing.
4 10 WIN SPEED (J205) K C Leung Shortly after the start was steadied to avoid UNIVERSAL BLAZE which shifted in. Approaching the 200 Metres had some difficulty obtaining clear running when improving into a tight run between LUCKY TOUCH and KING OBERON which shifted out slightly.

Race:9 (63) TSUEN LOK HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1600 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
12 1 WINNING DRAGON (E461) Y L Chung (-3) A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
8 2 CHING (G380) L Hewitson For some distance approaching the 500 Metres raced tight to the inside of WINNING DRAGON and made contact with that runner. When questioned, L Hewitson stated that after being crowded near the 500 Metres he was not too disappointed with the performance of his mount in that it continued to make some ground and respond to his riding in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
7 3 SWEET ENCOUNTER (G426) A Hamelin No report.
5 4 FRANTANCK (H429) P N Wong (-10) When questioned regarding her tactics adopted and the reason she allowed her mount to improve into the lead after the 800 Metres, Apprentice P N Wong stated that her instructions were to lead but not to place pressure on her mount to do so. She said after PRAY FOR MIR and VOYAGE SAMURAI showed superior pace in the early stages, she was positioned behind those two runners. She said near the 1400 Metres FRANTANCK commenced to race keenly where she attempted to maintain a position with cover behind VOYAGE SAMURAI. She said as she endeavoured to do so, FRANTANCK continued to race keenly and commenced to make a respiratory noise. She said rather than excessively restraining her mount, when VOYAGE SAMURAI shifted towards the rail, she allowed FRANTANCK to race outside that runner. When questioned if there was an opportunity to maintain her position to the outside of VOYAGE SAMURAI rather than continuing forward to lead, Apprentice Wong stated that FRANTANCK continued to race keenly and whilst she was aware that the pace of the event had been run inside of standard time in the early stages, she felt her best option was to allow FRANTANCK to cross to the lead in an attempt to have it relaxed and also to control the respiratory noise her mount was making. Assistant Trainer P H Lo, representing Trainer P C Ng who was not present at today’s racemeeting, confirmed the instructions issued and in particular not excessively restrain FRANTANCK. Having considered the explanations provided by Apprentice Wong, the tactics she adopted were considered by the Stewards to be reasonable in the circumstances. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found that horse to be a "roarer”.
9 5 M UNICORN (G466) H Bentley Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
2 6 VOYAGE SAMURAI (J026) K C Leung Sent for sampling post-race.
3 7 FORTUNATE SON (J446) Z Purton No report.
6 8 STAR MAC (J053) L Ferraris Slow to begin and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Approaching the 500 Metres was checked when momentarily crowded by CHING which, after making contact with WINNING DRAGON (Y L Chung), was then taken in slightly by WINNING DRAGON before Jockey Chung corrected his mount. Y L Chung was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.
13 9 FORTUNE SUPERSTAR (J210) B Avdulla From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 10 SECOND TO NONE (H319) C Y Ho No report.
1 11 PRAY FOR MIR (J245) M Chadwick Sent for sampling post-race.
4 12 SUPER LOVE DRAGON (J038) A Badel Jumped only fairly.
11 13 VOLCANIC SPARK (H388) A Atzeni No report.

Race:10 (64) YEUNG UK HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1400 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
7 2 KING MILES (J158) C Y Ho After the event, C Y Ho reported that although his mount was obliged to race three wide, it had cover behind MIGHTY COMMANDER. He added after initially responding to his riding in the Home Straight, KING MILES’ run ended near the 200 Metres and, in his opinion, would derive benefit from today’s first up performance. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race.
1 3 PRESTIGE ALWAYS (J300) Z Purton Sent for sampling post-race.
4 4 SILO (J399) B Avdulla After the event, B Avdulla stated that with his mount stepping up to 1400 Metres today, he had been requested to take up a forward position but not necessarily lead. He said in the early stages when other runners did not contest the lead, SILO was able to lead without being pressured to do so.
2 5 LESLIE (E471) K C Leung Jumped only fairly and was bumped by MIGHTY COMMANDER which shifted in and away from SILO. From the 400 Metres until near the 300 Metres was held up for clear running. After shifting to the outside of THRIVING BROTHERS approaching the 150 Metres then made contact with PRINCE OF PORTY on a number of occasions thereafter. Sent for sampling post-race.
10 6 SUPER GOLDI (H477) A Atzeni Approaching the 1100 Metres, when racing ungenerously, was crowded by MIGHTY COMMANDER which shifted in after initially being crowded by THRIVING BROTHERS (A Badel). In this incident, MIGHTY COMMANDER over-reacted to the crowding which then resulted in SUPER GOLDI having to be steadied away from the heels of PRINCE OF PORTY. A Badel was severely reprimanded and advised he must provide comfortable racing room for runners to his inside. After the event, A Atzeni stated that after being crowded in the early stages SUPER GOLDI did not travel strongly and finished the race off only fairly in the Home Straight. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
9 7 ORIENTAL SMOKE (E467) B Thompson B Thompson stated that from a wide barrier the instructions were to ride his mount conservatively in the early stages.
3 8 NOT USUAL STAR (G396) L Hewitson From the 400 Metres until approaching the 250 Metres was held up for clear running behind SILO. After being shifted to the outside of SILO near the 250 Metres, NOT USUAL STAR then had further difficulty obtaining clear running from the 150 Metres until the 100 Metres when it was positioned behind PRESTIGE ALWAYS.
5 9 PRINCE OF PORTY (H009) H Bentley Had difficulty obtaining clear running from the 400 Metres to the 300 Metres. Approaching the 150 Metres was bumped by LESLIE on a number of occasions, resulting in PRINCE OF PORTY becoming unbalanced.
11 10 MIGHTY COMMANDER (J360) M L Yeung Bumped shortly after the start. Approaching the 1100 Metres was checked when it over-reacted to being crowded by THRIVING BROTHERS. Then continued to race keenly throughout the middle stages. Raced wide and without cover from the 1000 Metres.
12 11 PHANTOM CYCLONE (J271) Y L Chung (-3) Jumped awkwardly and was bumped. From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
8 12 ENDEARED (H161) A Hamelin After the 200 Metres became held up for clear running between NOT USUAL STAR and THRIVING BROTHERS and did not secure clear running until approaching the 100 Metres. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 13 THRIVING BROTHERS (J396) A Badel No report.
1 GREEN N WHITE (H186) H Bowman Withdrawn on 27.9.24 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (tongue wound). Before being allowed to race again, GREEN N WHITE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.





1. Withdrawals

Race 2
HARRY’S HERO on 27.9.24 on veterinary advice

Race 10
GREEN N WHITE on 27.9.24 on veterinary advice

2. Riding Changes

As H Bowman was indisposed, permission was given for the following riding substitutions on raceday morning:

Race 1
B Thompson on DAILY TROPHY

Race 5

Race 6

Race 7
B Avdulla on RUBYLOT

Race 8

Race 9
H Bentley on M UNICORN

3. Fine

Race 8
A Atzeni (HAROLD WIN): $7,500 for using the whip on numerous occasions forward of the saddle in the Home Straight

4. Severe Reprimand

Race 10
A Badel (THRIVING BROTHERS) for shifting in approaching the 1100 Metres

5. Warnings

Race 1
Apprentice E C W Wong (DIAMOND SOARS) re the manner in which he rode his mount out over the concluding stages
B Thompson (DAILY TROPHY) for shifting in over the concluding stages

Race 4
A Atzeni (FLYING DRAGON) for shifting in shortly after the start
Y L Chung (COSMO NAVIGATOR) for shifting out shortly after the start

Race 9
Y L Chung (WINNING DRAGON) for shifting in approaching the 500 Metres

6. Suspension

Race 3
K C Leung (LIFE OF STONE) for careless riding near the 900 Metres (Wednesday, 16 October 2024 – 1 Hong Kong raceday)

7. Bleeders

Race 8
STRATHBARRY (2nd time)

8. Barrier Trials

Race 4
FLYING DRAGON (unacceptable performance)

Race 8

9. Official Veterinary Examinations

Race 1

Race 2

Race 4

Race 8

Race 10

10. Rolling Arrangement

The track was not rolled today.