Race Meeting: 21/02/2024 (Wed)
9 races - Meeting Start Time: 18:40

Going Information

Happy Valley - Turf C+3 Course
GOOD(Race 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Penetrometer Reading 2.72(as of 08:00 am) 2.72(as of 05:40 pm)

Meeting Stewards

Mr Nicholas D Hunsworth (Chairman)
Mr Calvin Chau JP
Mr M Van Gestel (Chief Stipendiary Steward)
Mr T Bailey (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr G Bush (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr K C Y Kwok (Stipendiary Steward)
Mr J C H Ho (Stipendiary Steward)

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Race:1 (437) WANG TAK HANDICAP (Sec2) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
8 1 SAVVY CHIC (G261) K Teetan Over the concluding stages was checked when crowded between HARMONY N HOME which shifted in and away from GLORY CLOUD after being taken in by that runner and KILINDINI which was taken out by BEAU GOSSE (M L Yeung) which shifted out. M L Yeung was severely reprimanded and advised that he must stop riding and straighten his mounts when they commence to shift ground. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
12 2 WOOD ON FIRE (C460) E C W Wong (-10) Slow to begin.
10 3 BRAVO WARRIOR (J088) C L Chau (-2) Near the 1000 Metres was steadied away from the heels of GOLDEN LUCK (L Hewitson) which shifted in when not clear. L Hewitson was reprimanded. Lay out making the Home Turn.
4 4 GLORY CLOUD (H320) H Bentley Jumped only fairly and then from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. When questioned regarding his riding to the finish of the event, H Bentley stated that GLORY CLOUD lay in when placed under pressure in the Home Straight and proved difficult to ride out. He said over the concluding stages when his mount continued to lay in, he heard a call back to his inside and as he was concerned GLORY CLOUD may be shifting in, he stopped riding and straightened his mount at the finish. After considering his explanations and viewing the patrol films, the Stewards were satisfied that H Bentley’s actions in the circumstances were reasonable.
6 5 KILINDINI (E236) A Atzeni Hampered and taken out over the concluding stages.
9 6 PHILOS (H371) Y L Chung (-5) No report.
11 7 ISLAND GOLDEN (H018) B Thompson Jumped awkwardly. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
1 8 GOLDEN LUCK (H159) L Hewitson Sent for sampling post-race.
2 9 JOYFUL LIFE (H426) K C Leung Crowded on jumping. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 10 YEABOI (G372) M Chadwick Slow to begin.
7 11 HARMONY N HOME (C531) A Badel Over the concluding stages raced tight to the inside of GLORY CLOUD.
3 12 BEAU GOSSE (G389) M L Yeung Shifted out at the start and was bumped. In the middle stages raced keenly. For some distance after the 600 Metres got its head up when being steadied away from PHILOS. Held up on the Home Turn.

Race:2 (438) SHAN KWONG HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 1 1650 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
4 1 TELECOM FIGHTERS (D482) L Hewitson No report.
2 2 HAPPY TOGETHER (G446) A Badel Jumped awkwardly. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 3 LA CITY BLANCHE (G371) Y L Chung (-5) No report.
7 4 DANCING CODE (G365) K Teetan Near the 1500 Metres got its head up when being steadied away from LA CITY BLANCHE. When questioned, K Teetan stated that with his mount stepping back up in distance to 1650 Metres tonight, he was asked to settle DANCING CODE where comfortable and to get the horse to relax. He said with the slow pace in the early and middle stages, DANCING CODE raced a little keenly but was unable to quicken when the tempo of the race increased approaching the Home Turn. When asked if there was an opportunity to improve forward in the middle stages to offset the slow pace, K Teetan stated that as his mount was stepping back up to 1650 Metres and wearing blinkers tonight, to ensure that it ran out the distance of the event, he elected not to do so. Trainer C Fownes confirmed the instructions issued and expressed satisfaction with the tactics adopted by K Teetan. Mr Fownes added that DANCING CODE was disadvantaged by the slow early pace. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Sent for sampling post-race.
3 5 NORDIC DRAGON (G467) B Avdulla In the early part of the Home Straight lay in and proved reluctant to shift to the outside of MR ASCENDENCY. Again over the final 150 Metres lay in and proved difficult to ride out to the finish of the event which resulted in its rider B Avdulla having to stop riding and straighten approaching the winning post.
5 6 RISING FROM ASHES (G209) K De Melo Leaving the 1600 Metres raced in restricted room between DANCING CODE which lay in despite the efforts of its rider and HAPPY TOGETHER which was taken out slightly when positioned to the outside of LA CITY BLANCHE. Over the concluding stages could not be ridden out when improving into a narrow run to the inside of TELECOM FIGHTERS which shifted in slightly.
1 7 MR ASCENDENCY (G227) H Bentley Sent for sampling post-race.

Race:3 (439) WANG TAK HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
11 1 ENFOLDED (H336) B Avdulla When giving ground near the 200 Metres was bumped by GREAT ACHIEVER and became unbalanced. After the race, B Avdulla stated that his instructions were, from the inside barrier, to hold a more forward position. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.<22/2/2024 Additional Veterinary Reports from 21 February 2024 Race Meeting>ENFOLDED, which performed disappointingly, was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said at that time there were no significant findings. ENFOLDED was again examined by the Veterinary Officer at the stables of Trainer J Richards this morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to be lame in its right hind leg. Before being allowed to race again, ENFOLDED will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
7 2 JOLLY COMPANION (H454) K C Leung Jumped only fairly and then was crowded shortly after the start by HAPPY FAT CAT which shifted out despite the efforts of its rider.
1 3 HAPPY FAT CAT (G166) M F Poon (-2) Shifted out on jumping before being corrected by its rider. Sent for sampling post-race.
6 4 GREAT ACHIEVER (J049) C L Chau (-2) Crowded shortly after the start. In the early stages raced keenly and got its head up when being crossed by HERCULES. Near the 300 Metres was checked to avoid the heels of ENFOLDED when that runner commenced to give ground, resulting in GREAT ACHIEVER having to shift to the outside of ENFOLDED where it secured clear running at the 250 Metres. Near the 200 Metres HERCULES (A Badel) shifted to the inside of ALLOY KING to secure clear running, crowding GREAT ACHIEVER, resulting in GREAT ACHIEVER making contact with ENFOLDED. A Badel was reprimanded.
4 5 THE KHAN (H489) K Teetan Slow to begin and was then bumped by SHANGHAI STYLE, resulting in THE KHAN losing further ground. Held up on the Home Turn.
12 6 SHANGHAI STYLE (J093) Y L Chung (-5) Jumped only fairly. From the 500 Metres lay out and made the Home Turn wide. Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. Noted to have lost its right hind plate after the race. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.<22/2/2024 Additional Veterinary Reports from 21 February 2024 Race Meeting>SHANGHAI STYLE, which performed disappointingly, was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said at that time there were no significant findings. SHANGHAI STYLE was again examined by the Veterinary Officer at the stables of Trainer C S Shum this morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to be lame in its right front leg. Before being allowed to race again, SHANGHAI STYLE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.
9 7 LAPRAS (H374) L Hewitson Shifted in at the start and was bumped. Raced tight to the inside of HERCULES shortly after the start. Near the 300 Metres was steadied away from GREAT ACHIEVER and as a result was shifted to the inside of that runner to secure clear running approaching the 250 Metres. LAPRAS then became held up behind ENFOLDED near the 200 Metres and was steadied away from that runner’s heels and then shifted to the outside where it secured clear running after the 200 Metres.
2 8 HERCULES (C476) A Badel Shifted to the inside of ALLOY KING at the 200 Metres to obtain clear running and bumped GREAT ACHIEVER. Sent for sampling post-race.
3 9 HAYDAY (H321) M Chadwick Bumped shortly after the start.
5 10 WOODFIRE CHAMP (H292) A Atzeni Crowded shortly after the start.
8 11 ALLOY KING (D287) M L Yeung A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
10 12 VALIANT ELEGANCE (D285) B Thompson Hampered shortly after the start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of mucus in the horse’s trachea and also found the horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported.

Race:4 (440) SINGAPORE POOLS HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 1 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
7 1 DUKE WAI (C188) A Atzeni Whilst the Stewards were satisfied that the riding of A Atzeni, 7th placegetter, over the concluding stages did not affect the horse’s finishing position, he was nonetheless reminded of his obligation to ensure that he fully rides his mounts out to the finish of the race. After the race, A Atzeni stated that with the early section of the race run inside the standard, his mount was under pressure throughout the event. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
5 2 ADIOS (G338) M F Poon (-2) Leaving the 300 Metres attempted a run between KURPANY and MAJESTIC KNIGHT where there was doubtful room and a short distance later was checked when disappointed for this run when MAJESTIC KNIGHT (B Thompson) shifted in slightly. Whilst the Stewards found that the principal reason for the interference was that there was not sufficient room for ADIOS to improve into the run, B Thompson was nevertheless advised to exercise more care.
4 3 SON PAK FU (G265) C L Chau (-2) Jumped only fairly and then was bumped shortly after the start. After the race, an endoscopic examination was conducted on SON PAK FU at the request of Trainer T P Yung. The Veterinary Surgeon said this examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, SON PAK FU will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Sent for sampling post-race.
8 4 KURPANY (D172) E C W Wong (-10) No report.
6 5 MAJESTIC KNIGHT (G258) B Thompson B Thompson pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference near the 150 Metres (see BEAUTY CHARGE).
2 6 BUNDLE OF CHARM (G213) A Badel In the middle stages raced keenly. Sent for sampling post-race.
3 7 BEAUTY CHARGE (G231) Y L Chung (-5) Approaching the 350 Metres became momentarily unbalanced when positioned tight to the inside of BUNDLE OF CHARM. B Thompson (MAJESTIC KNIGHT) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 150 Metres he allowed his mount to shift out when insufficiently clear of BEAUTY CHARGE, resulting in BEAUTY CHARGE losing its rightful running and having to be checked. B Thompson was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his excellent race riding record.
1 8 TOMODACHI KOKOROE (H303) K Teetan Sent for sampling post-race.

Race:5 (441) YUK SAU HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1800 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
8 1 PRECISE EXPRESS (D198) B Thompson Crowded on jumping. After the 300 Metres improved to the inside of ROBOT FIGHTER and then raced tight to the inside of that runner for some distance thereafter when ROBOT FIGHTER shifted in.
9 3 OWNERS' PRAISE (H047) K De Melo A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
1 4 SERANGOON (H296) H Bentley Shifted out at the start and was bumped. Sent for sampling post-race.
5 5 TAKE ACTION (J098) B Avdulla Approaching the 300 Metres was shifted to the outside of CASA COSMO and blundered.
6 6 MR ALADDIN (H386) K Teetan No report.
2 7 FOREVER GLORIOUS (G229) C L Chau (-2) Sent for sampling post-race.
11 8 ROBOT FIGHTER (H309) K C Leung Crowded at the start. Noted to have lost its left front plate after the race.
4 9 CASA COSMO (G436) A Hamelin After being crossed by FOREVER GLORIOUS near the 1200 Metres raced keenly for a short distance thereafter. After the race, A Hamelin advised that from an inside barrier he was asked to hold a more forward position than it had in its previous race starts. He added that in the early stages CASA COSMO raced a little keenly. Trainer J Richards confirmed the instructions issued.
3 10 KYRUS UNICORN (D267) A Atzeni No report.
7 11 SUNNY BABY (E166) M L Yeung Crowded on jumping.
10 12 TURTLE AGAIN (H083) L Hewitson Brushed a rail in the Parade Ring, examined by the Veterinary Officer and found suitable to race. After the race, L Hewitson stated that from the outside barrier his instructions were to ride his mount conservatively in the early stages. He added that after settling towards the rear of the field TURTLE AGAIN was unable to finish the race off strongly in the Home Straight. Trainer T P Yung confirmed the instructions issued. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
WV-A 2 PEGASUS GENERAL (G189) Y L Chung (-5) Whilst proceeding to the Start, Apprentice Y L Chung was dislodged without incident. As PEGASUS GENERAL had cantered for a considerable distance, the horse was withdrawn by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice. Before being allowed to race again, PEGASUS GENERAL will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

Race:6 (442) YIK YAM HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 4 1650 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
3 1 GALLANT VALOUR (H323) A Atzeni From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. A Atzeni pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference near the 150 Metres (see V LOVE YOU).
7 2 WIN WIN FIGHTER (E347) L Hewitson No report.
9 3 PERFETTO (G198) A Hamelin No report.
11 4 TOP TOP TEA (H048) E C W Wong (-10) After the race, Apprentice E C W Wong stated that from his wide barrier he was instructed to take up a forward position. He said when caught wide in the early stages he was obliged to make use of TOP TOP TEA to go forward and take up a position outside the lead near the 1000 Metres. He added as a result TOP TOP TEA did not finish the race off. Trainer C H Yip confirmed the instructions issued. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
1 5 GALVANIC (H147) K Teetan Near the 1400 Metres brushed the running rail. Sent for sampling post-race.
8 6 MASTER HERO (D501) Y L Chung (-5) Leaving the 200 Metres was checked when disappointed for clear running between PERFETTO which shifted out slightly and TOP TOP TEA which was weakening. Was then shifted to the outside of TOP TOP TEA where it secured clear running at the 150 Metres. Then raced tight between TOP TOP TEA and NOBLE WIN for some distance thereafter and made contact with NOBLE WIN.
2 7 SATIRICAL GLORY (H073) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
6 8 YOUNG VICTORY (D399) B Thompson Jumped only fairly and then was crowded shortly after the start.
12 9 V LOVE YOU (J048) K C Leung Raced wide and without cover from the 1000 Metres. Near the 300 Metres blundered. A Atzeni (GALLANT VALOUR) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 150 Metres he directed his mount to the inside of WIN WIN FIGHTER, resulting in V LOVE YOU having to be checked to avoid the heels of GALLANT VALOUR. A Atzeni was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his very good race riding record.
10 10 NOBLE WIN (H195) M F Poon (-2) Near the 150 Metres was bumped by MASTER HERO and became unbalanced. After the race, M F Poon stated that his mount raced keenly in the middle stages and after being briefly held up behind V LOVE YOU on entering the Home Straight finished the race off in a one-paced manner. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race found the horse to be a "roarer” which had previously been reported.
4 11 DUBLIN STAR (C436) M Chadwick No report.
5 12 AMAZING BOY (D513) M L Yeung From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

Race:7 (443) VILLAGE HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1650 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
5 1 GALAXY WITNESS (G110) K Teetan Slow to begin. When finishing the race off well improved into a tight run between I AM THE BOSS and GLORIOUS JOURNEY near the 150 Metres and raced tight for a short distance thereafter. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
7 2 PRIME MINISTER (D288) K C Leung Bumped on jumping. Near the 1300 Metres was briefly crowded by ESCAPE ROUTE.
11 3 I AM THE BOSS (H446) B Thompson No report.
8 4 TOURBILLON PRINCE (H122) L Hewitson No report.
1 5 WINNING DRAGON (E461) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
12 6 MASTER OF FORTUNE (G474) M F Poon (-2) From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
6 7 STAR CONTACT (E472) A Hamelin Over the concluding stages was impeded by the whip of K Teetan, the rider of GALAXY WITNESS, when he pulled the whip through to his left hand. When questioned, A Hamelin stated that from a wide barrier he was requested to ride his mount in a midfield position. He said after travelling a short distance he was able to comply with his instructions and obtained a trailing position behind ESCAPE ROUTE. Trainer D A Hayes confirmed the instructions issued.
4 8 ESCAPE ROUTE (E273) H Bentley Held up making the Home Turn behind GLORIOUS JOURNEY. On straightening was then shifted to the inside of I AM THE BOSS to obtain clear running.
2 9 LOVERO (H451) Y L Chung (-5) Over the concluding stages raced tight to the inside of RED HARE KING which shifted in and was brushed by that runner. Sent for sampling post-race.
9 10 GLORIOUS JOURNEY (J137) M Chadwick Shifted in at the start and was bumped.
10 11 LOYAL BABY (E130) M L Yeung From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
3 12 RED HARE KING (H188) A Badel Making the Home Turn hung out after being taken wider by GLORIOUS JOURNEY. Over the concluding stages shifted in and was brushed. Sent for sampling post-race.

Race:8 (444) SING WOO HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1200 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
5 1 WONDER KIT (G455) L Hewitson No report.
7 2 ASTROLOGER (G102) B Thompson Crowded shortly after the start.
2 3 COPARTNER AMBITION (E218) A Atzeni Sent for sampling post-race.
11 4 MAGNIAC (H141) K H Chan (-5) A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
3 5 WINNING ICEY (G246) K Teetan Jumped only fairly. After the 300 Metres was held up behind MAGNIAC and was shifted to that runner’s outside approaching the 200 Metres to obtain clear running. K Teetan pleaded guilty to a careless riding charge for causing interference after the 200 Metres (see BEAUTY GLORY).
4 6 HARMONY N BLESSED (E061) K C Leung No report.
1 7 BON'S A PEARLA (G449) A Badel Sent for sampling post-race.
12 8 PLEASANT ENDEAVOR (E114) E C W Wong (-10) Raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event.
9 9 GRATEFUL HEART (D278) H Bentley Crowded shortly after the start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
8 10 NEVER TOO SOON (E434) K De Melo From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Inside the 100 Metres was steadied when crowded between ASTROLOGER and GOKO WIN (M Chadwick) which, after improving into a tight run to the inside of WONDER KIT (L Hewitson), was then taken in by that runner. As a result, NEVER TOO SOON could not be ridden out to the finish of the event. Both M Chadwick and L Hewitson were advised to exercise more care.
6 11 GOKO WIN (H069) M Chadwick Crowded shortly after the start. Approaching the 600 Metres was bumped by PLEASANT ENDEAVOR which shifted in. Inside the 100 Metres became held up when improving to the inside of WONDER KIT and as a result could not be ridden out to the finish of the event.
10 12 BEAUTY GLORY (E459) Y L Chung (-5) K Teetan (WINNING ICEY) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that after the 200 Metres he allowed his mount to shift out when insufficiently clear of BEAUTY GLORY, resulting in BEAUTY GLORY having to be checked. K Teetan was suspended from riding in races for one Hong Kong raceday to be conducted on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 at Happy Valley. In assessing penalty, the Stewards determined the carelessness grade 2 and the consequences grade 2 and also considered his very good race riding record. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
WV EXCELLENT PEERS (G033) M Chadwick Withdrawn on 20.2.24 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore) and replaced by Standby Declared Starter GOKO WIN. Before being allowed to race again, EXCELLENT PEERS will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

Race:9 (445) KING KWONG HANDICAP (Sec1) Class 3 1000 m

Pla. Horse
Colour Horse Jockey Incident
9 1 EXPLOSIVE WITNESS (B001) A Badel From a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
5 2 GREAT STATE (J124) K De Melo Jumped only fairly. Near the 350 Metres was crowded between ATOMIC ENERGY and ROMANTIC NOVELIST. Over the final 50 Metres raced tight to the inside of ATOMIC ENERGY and as a result could not be fully tested to the finish of the event.
2 3 HEROIC MASTER (G394) K Teetan Sent for sampling post-race.
1 4 KA YING SPIRIT (E217) K H Chan (-5) Sent for sampling post-race.
4 5 HAPPY UNITED (H208) B Avdulla Sent for sampling post-race.
6 6 CALIFORNIA DEEPLY (G451) H Bentley Noted to have blood at the mouth on arrival at the Start, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. Crowded shortly after the start, bumped on the hindquarters and became unbalanced.
10 7 SUMMIT CHEERS (E221) A Atzeni From the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.
12 8 FORTUNE WHISKEY (J153) A Hamelin Crowded shortly after the start.
3 9 ATOMIC ENERGY (H150) Y L Chung (-5) No report.
8 10 MA COMET (H391) L Hewitson Crowded shortly after the start. After the race, L Hewitson reported that, in his opinion, the horse would be suited by being stepped up in distance for its next race start. A veterinary inspection immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.
11 11 ROMANTIC NOVELIST (J167) M Chadwick After the race, M Chadwick reported that his mount hung out from the 600 Metres and near the 350 Metres was steadied away from HAPPY UNITED.
7 12 HOSS (H055) B Thompson No report.
WV ALLGREEKTOME (H007) L Ferraris Withdrawn on 19.2.24 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (left front ligament injury) and replaced by Standby Declared Starter CALIFORNIA DEEPLY. Before being allowed to race again, ALLGREEKTOME will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.



Race 9 was put back 5 minutes.

2. Additions to Racing Incidents Report of 18 February 2024 Sha Tin Racemeeting

Race 9 (435)
SIMPLE HEDGE – Bumped near the 1200 Metres.

ENIGMA – When questioned Apprentice Y L Chung stated that he was instructed to hold a forward position. He said when his mount jumped awkwardly and did not show sufficient pace to cross runners to his inside he elected to take cover behind LOOKING GREAT. He said in the middle stages ENIGMA raced keenly, shifted out at the 1200 Metres and bumped SIMPLE HEDGE but finished the race off well. Trainer A S Cruz confirmed the instructions were to be forward and expressed satisfaction with the decision Apprentice Chung made in the early stages to obtain a position behind LOOKING GREAT.




1. Withdrawals

Race 5
PEGASUS GENERAL prior to the race on veterinary advice

Race 8
EXCELLENT PEERS on 20.2.24 on veterinary advice

Race 9
ALLGREEKTOME on 19.2.24 on veterinary advice

2. Riding Changes

As L Ferraris was indisposed, permission was given for the following riding substitutions on raceday morning:

Race 4: A Atzeni on DUKE WAI
Race 5: K De Melo on OWNERS’ PRAISE
Race 7: L Hewitson on TOURBILLON PRINCE
Race 8: K Teetan on WINNING ICEY

After riding in Race 7, M L Yeung became indisposed and was stood down by the Chief Medical Officer. As such, permission was given for A Hamelin to be substituted as the rider of FORTUNE WHISKEY in Race 9.

3. Severe Reprimand

Race 1
M L Yeung (BEAU GOSSE) for shifting out over the concluding stages

4. Reprimands

Race 1
L Hewitson (GOLDEN LUCK) for shifting in near the 1000 Metres

Race 3
A Badel (HERCULES) for shifting in near the 200 Metres

5. Warnings

Race 4
A Atzeni (DUKE WAI) re the manner in which he rode his mount out over the concluding stages
B Thompson (MAJESTIC KNIGHT) for shifting in at the 300 Metres

Race 8
M Chadwick (GOKO WIN) for shifting in inside the 100 Metres
L Hewitson (WONDER KIT) for shifting in inside the 100 Metres

6. Suspensions

Race 4
B Thompson (MAJESTIC KNIGHT) for careless riding near the 150 Metres (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 – 1 Hong Kong raceday)

Race 6
A Atzeni (GALLANT VALOUR) for careless riding near the 150 Metres (Wednesday, 6 March 2024 – 1 Hong Kong raceday)

Race 8
K Teetan (WINNING ICEY) for careless riding after the 200 Metres (Wednesday, 6 March 2024 – 1 Hong Kong raceday)

7. Official Veterinary Examinations

Race 4

Race 5

Race 8
Race 9

8. Course and False Outside Rail Arrangement

Turf C+3 Course

9. Rolling Arrangement

The track was rolled after Race 5.