Sha Tin:
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, Sha Tin, 22:15
All Weather Track, 1650M, Good
Prize Money: $2,050,000, Rating: 85-60, Class 3
Horse No. Brand No. Horse Name Race Date Race Index Description
1 D482  TELECOM FIGHTERS  26/02/2025   459  TELECOM FIGHTERS (D482) after the event, rider stated that his mount travelled satisfactorily in the lead and after making contact with the running rail near the 350M became unbalanced. He said under pressure in the Home Straight his mount failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings. Performance was considered disappointing as compared to its previous race start. Has since performed to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and passed an official vet exam - Race 459.
2 H192  FLAMINGO TRILLION  19/02/2025   443  FLAMINGO TRILLION (H192) after the event, rider stated that his mount travelled only fairly throughout the event which he attributed to the horse carrying the top weight of 135 lbs. He said when under pressure in the Home Straight his mount finished the race off only fairly. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings - Race 443.
3 G213  BUNDLE OF CHARM  19/03/2025   523  --
4 G326  YELLOWFIN  02/03/2025   468  YELLOWFIN (G326) raced wide and without cover until the 1000M when it was allowed to stride forward to lead - Race 468.
5 H165  TURIN MASCOT  12/02/2025   426  --
6 G476  ROMANTIC LAOS  12/03/2025   504  ROMANTIC LAOS (G476) jumped only fairly - Race 504.
7 H120  PERFECT TEAM  02/03/2025   468  --
8 K190  ALLCASH  12/03/2025   504  --
9 H135  YOUNG BRILLIANT  12/02/2025   426  YOUNG BRILLIANT (H135) raced very wide and without cover for the majority of the event. After the event, rider reported that he had concern with his mount’s action when under pressure in the Home Straight. Post-race vet inspection did not show any significant findings. Finished tailed out and performance was considered unacceptable. Has since performed satisfactorily in a barrier trial and passed an official vet exam – Race 426.
10 J015  FIGHTING MACHINE  15/03/2025   514  --
11 J200  NEVER PETER OUT  02/03/2025   468  --
12 G223  ARIEL  02/03/2025   468  --
13 K094  NEW FOREST  19/02/2025   446  --
14 J203  LUCKY TOUCH  02/03/2025   471  LUCKY TOUCH (J203) from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages - Race 471.
Standby Horse
1 H116  IVY LEAGUE  05/03/2025   478  IVY LEAGUE (H116) after the event, rider stated that the instructions were to take up an on-pace position with cover. He said when his mount commenced well it led without being pressured to do so - Race 478.